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How do i make my uncircumcised penis not sensible? -

How do i make my uncircumcised penis not sensible? -

try pulling the skin back and rub it more. It will make the tip less sensitive

  • I am not circumcised. I retract my foreskin when I masturbate. Then, I rub my penis. Warning: Do not grab your pennis together with your forskin when you masturbate. I used to do this when I was a teenage. It did not improve anything about sensibility. In fact, I felt pain when I pulled back my foreskin. If you are not used to do it, try to rub gently and get used to do it. But, be patient. It will take a tome. I am glad that you are not cut like me. Foresking is always fun. Good Luck!

    How do i make my uncircumcised penis not sensible? -

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