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How should i make my penis bigger? -

How should i make my penis bigger? -

I am 17 and my penis is only 4 inches in hard form
I am really worried .
what should i do to make it bigger .
please help me
and please do not suggest jelq . . . .because it doesn-t work

  • Not much you can do, pills and lotions don-t work, and pumps and other mechanical devices can cause permanent damage.
    At 17 you still have chance to grow, my penis didn-t stop growing until I was around 18, and I-ve heard of guys who stopped at 20.
    4 inches isn-t that bad, you-ll still be able to satisfy your partners, just learn to use it well, and you-ll have no problems.
    Any girl that rejects you because your penis is too small isn-t worth being with.
    Incidentally, I know a guy with a 4 inch penis (don-t ask how I know!), he-s been married for over 20 years, and has 2 kids, so his must work.

    How should i make my penis bigger? -
  • I just turned 14 and I am trying to make my penis longer and bigger. How can I do this? -

    I just turned 14 and I am trying to make my penis longer and bigger. How can I do this? -

    be sure to check out the video: Matters of Size he teaches the techniques of JELGING. that-s the rites of passage for arab young men.


    check out some books. I have seen some in the public library teaching that technique.

  • sorry dude, your stuck with what you got, the truth id that nothing realy works and the stuff that might work only works for a short amount of time on only some men

  • dude you cant you have the unit size you got because of your gene pool your dad and uncles anyhow your only 14 and have at least 5 more years of puberty ahead of you

    curtdud e

  • you cant. there is no safe way to do this. just be happy with what you have and if you are not done with puberty yet then give yourself time. you will grow more. good luck.

  • ur 14, ur not done growing yet my gosh.

  • wait for it to grow, if it-s going to do so. penis size is all genetics. no cremes, pills, lotions, or pumps or exercises are gonna change it-s size. you-ve got what you-ve got. just learn it and your body and enjoy it. Not everyone is hung like a porn star.

  • to increase penis size:

    �� learn Tantric, Zen, Kama Sutra Techniques
    �� learn JELGING techniques - Matters of Size DVD
    �� enhance/augment those procedures with Ginseng, Yohimbe Bark, Nettle, L-Argine, Vitamin E,
    �� Vacuum pumping procedures.
    two-two has spoken

  • Your only 14 just wait when i was 14 i was only 4in i waited and i got bigger now im 18 and i am 8.5in

  • Wait until you-re 15.

  • Take a string. Tie a brick at one end, your penis on another. Hang loose for 4 hours a day.

    I just turned 14 and I am trying to make my penis longer and bigger. How can I do this? -
  • How to make your own penis pump? -

    How to make your own penis pump? -

    home made pump

  • Go to i-m sure someone there has done it and has directions.

  • i guess motrine has an answer for everything- don-t be cheap with your health and buy one at the store.

  • have your woman to be your vacuum pump.

    How to make your own penis pump? -
  • How can i get rid of wrinkles on the head of my penis? -

    How can i get rid of wrinkles on the head of my penis? -

    wrinkles like lines

  • they-re natural so don-t worry about them. botox would not work as these wrinkles are not caused by muscles, just extra skin when flaccid.

  • its natural please just leave to poor guy alone. really it happens when you are soft. or is it wrinkled when hard??

  • Botox

  • How-d you get wrinkles there? Does your penis frown or what? Haha..

  • use it for it`s main purpose more !

    How can i get rid of wrinkles on the head of my penis? -
  • How do u masterbate if you have bent penis syndrom ? -

    How do u masterbate if you have bent penis syndrom ? -

    any suggestions

  • Avoid!

    It may develop -Peyronie- - a lump in the penis.
    which may occassionaly lead toward Penis Cancer.

    So try yo avoid it or consult your doctor.

  • Bend it back and hope it doesn-t break. I-m praying for you. God bless you.

  • LOL bent.

  • Why the feck does everything have to be a syndrome?
    Your knob has a curve in it, so do probably millions of others. Alter your stroke a little, good god you are a boy aren-t you?

    Trust me no amount of bend will come between a boy and his wa*k. You shall over come (and probably -over C*m- as well - LOL

  • A flesh light?

  • you dont.

  • i agree wit ali

    How do u masterbate if you have bent penis syndrom ? -