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How to have a bigger penis with no charge? -

How to have a bigger penis with no charge? -

Size isn��t everything, but it can be one of the biggest contributors to satisfying and fulfilling sex. It��s true, an average penis size can sexually satisfy your partner.

But a quality penis - by quality I mean an erection that points upwards toward 12 o-clock to the 2 o-clock position �C can go a long ways.

One of the ways to obtain a larger erection is by ballooning the penis. Practicing the ballooning method relies on prolonging an erection.
Which means in order to begin ballooning the penis, the first step is to learn how to last longer. A man must be able hold his ejaculation back 3-5 times during sexual activity.��

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  • you can-t. even if you going to pay, it will not help to grow it bigger.



    How to have a bigger penis with no charge? -
  • How to increase the size of my penis? -

    How to increase the size of my penis? -

    Be happy with what you have

  • Here we go again with another -penis length/size- question.
    Average is about 5 to 6 inches. Penises come in a variety of sizes. Your penis size will be the size you are given! There are no pills or creams, no toys or tools that will make a penis longer or larger. Any product claiming to do that should be regarded as being suspect. Likely it is a scam and the only thing that will get bigger is the wallet or bank account of the person/company offering the product. Look closely at the promotions and you will see that the product is not tested, inspected, approved or endorsed by any reputable organization. If it works why has it not been submitted to the U.S. Federal Food and Drug Administration for FDA Approval. If you are concerned that your penis is not large enough then consider that the average length is 5.5 inches and frankly that is plenty large enough. Read some of the posts from females who are afraid of the -huge- penises out there. Sure the -American thing- is -bigger is better- but that is not always the case. If you are concerned about the ladies pleasure - and that should be your main concern, you should develop a technique or style that makes the most out of what you were given.
    It is important to remember that sexual intercourse is not simply a piston going back and forth at a high speed. Actually a lot of the -jocks- haven-t figured that out yet. If you work at developing a style you will score more and it will be more fun for both of you.
    And it will be fun learning the technique.
    And if you are still wanting to do something to make your penis bigger, each night before you climb into bed, get down on your knees, bow your head, and pray for a larger penis. Trust me, you stand a better chance this way than with any tools or toys

  • there is no way you can increase your penis size. save the time and money for something else.

  • stop playing with it.... silly

  • tap your heels together and make a wish


  • -Stretch it-!

    Don-t be so insecure - learn to live with what you got.

    Nobody is perfect!

  • well they sell pills like enzyte or you can get a penis pump

  • the size is not important, what you can do whit your penis is.

  • there is no method to increase size be satisfed with the size you have.

  • You have to learn to like what you have. You are not getting more.

  • i have two things to say to you:

    1. if your looking for a way to make it bigger ten you obviously have a small one!

    2. if there was a way of increasing the size, no one would have a small one!!!

    How to increase the size of my penis? -