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How many peniss/vaginas does the average nurse see in their career? -

How many peniss/vaginas does the average nurse see in their career? -

figure you see 1 per patient, 1-5+ patients per shift, 3-5 shifts per week, 52 weeks per year... yea, pretty much zillions.

  • I lost count about 8 years and 11 months ago. RN for 9 years.

  • Zillions!

    How many peniss/vaginas does the average nurse see in their career? -
  • How can i increase my penis size? -

    How can i increase my penis size? -

    maybe if i sucked it ? =]

    How can i increase my penis size? -

    How big is the average black penis? -

    How big is the average black penis? -

    5-7 for white guys. 7-9 inches for black guys, but size also means how... well, thick too, which they are much larger that way too.

  • probably somewhere in the neighborhood bigger than your whole body

    just kidding I really don-t know. I always hear girls saying that black guys have the biggest penis. I assume they have been there to know. you might want to direct your question toward women because they have been there

    Hope that I helped answer your question to some extent

  • black guys do have the biggest penises on average, but i-m not sure of the exact measurements

  • Contrary to myth, the same as for white - 5/7-

  • don-t know, I-ve never measured one and don-t plan on measuring any mans c---!

  • I have never seen any small black one.

    How big is the average black penis? -