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How big shud my penis be(14yrs old)? -

How big shud my penis be(14yrs old)? -

be honest plz...

  • Every one is different.

    By age, the averages found were:

    Age Size

    12 4.1- (104 mm)
    13 5.1- (130 mm)
    14 6.0- (152 mm)
    15 6.1- (155 mm)
    16 6.3- (160 mm)
    17 6.4- (163 mm)
    18 6.5- (165 mm)
    19 6.5- (165 mm)
    20 6.5- (165 mm)

    Size is not everything, if it works as it should be happy.

  • The average length of an erect penis is 5-

    That-s for a fully grown man.

  • hard penis at 14 shud be anywhere between 3-6inches, but some are smaller and others bigger.

    what ever yours is then its perfectly normal

  • somewhere around 6inches

    How big shud my penis be(14yrs old)? -
  • How do you enlarge a mans penis? -

    How do you enlarge a mans penis? -

    There-s nothing you can do to make it bigger. Those exercises can cause permanent damage and are not worth the risk.

  • Don-t use chemicals or weights. Chemicals don-t work and weights cause damage..

    There are exercises that you can do, such as jelqing or kegels. Like any work out, the gains are not permanent, so you have to be dedicated. Google -penis exercises-. There are some free forums and other resources on the internet. Look them up.

    How do you enlarge a mans penis? -
  • How come a handicaps penis is smaller then a normal guys penis? -

    How come a handicaps penis is smaller then a normal guys penis? -

    That depends on the condition. If he-s paralized from the waist down, due to the fact that they can-t feel anything, the blood is redirected eles where in the body.

  • ????????????????????????????????????????��

  • How ever did you know the size of a handicap-s penis size?

  • And just where did you obtain this piece of misinformation?

    It-s not true. Penis size is hereditary.

    How come a handicaps penis is smaller then a normal guys penis? -
  • How can u tell ir your penis is small from how tall you are? -

    How can u tell ir your penis is small from how tall you are? -

    when i was a freshmen in high school i had a 7inch dick and i was getting girls cuss i was so confident now i am 25 and six six and my dick did not grow wtf happened

  • I-m 21, 5-6- and my dick is 7 inches as well. The size of your penis has nothing to do with your height. I-m a perfect example of that. I hate when people think just because someone is short it means they have a small dick or if someone is tall, they have a big dick. Whoever thinks that should be strapped with a bullet proof vest and then shot with a missile. Anyways, believe it or not the size of your penis is genetically inheritied. So if your dad happens to be big, there-s a great chance you will too! There-s also nothing you can do about the size of your penis. There-s no techniques you can do to make it bigger because if that was true, everyone would be walking around with 10 inches including me. Now to answer your question as to why it stopped growing during your freshman year, I guess it-s the same reason why Will Smith stopped growing in height at the age of 13. Your body just reached it-s peak. I can only presume you asked this question because your either insecure with your size or your worried why it stopped growing at such a young age. If you-re insecure, don-t be. The average penis size for an adult male regardless of height is 6 inches. You-re above that so you-re fine. If you-re worried about why it stopped growing so early, don-t worry, bro! I-m positive you-re not the only one. Peace!

  • Why would you want a bigger dick, even if you had a 6 inch dick that would be sufficent.

  • it will not grow any more but it is long enough

  • so forget about it

    How can u tell ir your penis is small from how tall you are? -
  • How to enlarge your penis at home? -

    How to enlarge your penis at home? -

    i want to enlarge my penis but i don-t want to take pills or do a pump i heard there are these excrises that you do daily to enlarge it mature answers only

  • Here we go again with another -penis length/size- question.
    Average is about 5 to 6 inches. Penises come in a variety of sizes. Your penis size will be the size you are given! There are no pills or creams, no toys or tools that will make a penis longer or larger. Any product claiming to do that should be regarded as being suspect. Likely it is a scam and the only thing that will get bigger is the wallet or bank account of the person/company offering the product. Look closely at the promotions and you will see that the product is not tested, inspected, approved or endorsed by any reputable organization. If it works why has it not been submitted to the U.S. Federal Food and Drug Administration for FDA Approval. If you are concerned that your penis is not large enough then consider that the average length is 5.5 inches and frankly that is plenty large enough. Read some of the posts from females who are afraid of the -huge- penises out there. Sure the -American thing- is -bigger is better- but that is not always the case. If you are concerned about the ladies pleasure - and that should be your main concern, you should develop a technique or style that makes the most out of what you were given.
    It is important to remember that sexual intercourse is not simply a piston going back and forth at a high speed. Actually a lot of the -jocks- haven-t figured that out yet. If you work at developing a style you will score more and it will be more fun for both of you.
    And it will be fun learning the technique.
    And if you are still wanting to do something to make your penis bigger, each night before you climb into bed, get down on your knees, bow your head, and pray for a larger penis. Trust me, you stand a better chance this way than with any tools or toys

  • Give thanks for what you have.

  • Get in a Yoga position and tease your penis

  • there is no safe way to enlarge your penis. good luck.

  • No the best way is to improve the body attached to it. Then you actaully may get some use out of it.

  • Invest in the video Matters of Size. He base his on the Jelging procedure.

    But seriously, along with the videos there are some pills (herbally) that can augment the process.

  • blow it up.

    How to enlarge your penis at home? -