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How can i get moles off my penis without hurtting myself? -

How can i get moles off my penis without hurtting myself? -

girls dont like them...

  • Girls will never see them...

  • dont remove or change something just because another person dislikes it. its who u are that matters. dont think too much about what others like or dislike about u.

    if u really wanna remove it then go to the doctors coz its more safer even though its not that big of a problem

  • You can-t dude, and don-t go cutting on yourself. If these moles don-t stick up, can-t see what is the problem-- other than you must have some pretty shallow and stuck up girls looking at your penis. Get other girls to look at it and see if they mind.
    If you have some that stick up, then you need to go see a dermatologist to see about getting them looked at and removed. The penis skin is really really thin and any tear or cut will scar up if not done properly- plus you will bleed like a stuck pig.

  • Try putting some cheese down by your feet maybe they will crawl off to eat it.

  • Hey Dude, if the mole is only a brown spot, it-s not problem to worry about and it doesn-t hurt anything. You can even have some fun with it as an ice breaker. Just call it your beauty spot.

    as in ..- want to see my beauty spot-? Ha ha!

    Girls do that all the time no matter where the brown spot is on them! Ha ha!

    Have fun Dude

    Me! :- )

  • maybe a doctor.... haha

    you have moles on your penis?!?! HAHAHAHA!!!

  • Go to a doctor, or hospital, have surgery to remove them.

    How can i get moles off my penis without hurtting myself? -
  • How can i get my penis big amp; increased? -

    How can i get my penis big amp; increased? -

    it is better if it is a applying medicine

  • You cannot change the size of your penis unless you want to undergo a risky and expensive surgery. If that is your wish, talk to your doctor. All that crap that claims to -Naturally enlarge your penis- does NOT work. Pumps, Jelqing, and stretching exercises can all damage the vessels in you penis. Everything comes with a price. So which would you rather have, a slightly longer penis that doesn-t work, or a fully functioning one that is the size it was mean to be? Think about it.

    Btw, this question is asked EVERY DAY! So stop spamming.

  • Why does everyone say -stop spamming- and then still answer the question? duh.

  • if i got half a penny for every penis question like this, id be a billionaire

  • Surgery is the only successful solution.

  • This is the best site .....visit this site

  • surgery is the only way, all that creams and pills junk is a lot of lies.

  • jack off and watch it grow.

  • Stop spamming, and the only way to increase your size is by undergoing puberty naturally.

  • Natural Penis Enlargement methods
    2 weeks to increase your penis size
    more information

    How can i get my penis big amp; increased? -
  • How do i get rid of the hair on and near my penis? -

    How do i get rid of the hair on and near my penis? -

    anything other then a shaver, electric or not, and scissors. is there any kind of lotion or something
    i dont care if it grows back either

  • You could buy a hair removal lotion.
    Although I wouldn-t recommend it, because once, I used it on my legs and I got a bad rash. It didn-t go away for 2 weeks. Oh and it was VERY painful..!
    Do you know how it feels when you get burned? It felt like that except this pain went on for 30 minutes. I literally screamed the whole time because of the excruciating pain.
    It was the worst pain I have ever had, and I-ve broken quite a few bones when I was about 13 with my friends. (Fun times)

  • Why the hell would you want to get rid of your penis hair?
    Women like it.

  • why dont you shave it?...i know its kinda weird...if its on the shaft itself, shave when your soft...shave going up to the base of the tip (be careful) and then SLOWLY back down till you get to the base of your shaft. you might cut yourself sometimes, and you-ll bleed a LITTLE but you dont need to worry about it, its not nearly enough to kill you lol....or you can try plucking...OR! i think the girls have this shaving lotion that you put it on and it gets rid of the hair with the lotion! i was like wtf why dont we have that?!....i saw it in a yeah, look it up homie =P

  • Leave it be-- when it comes back out it is initially very bristly and rough and girls don-t like the sensation if you are sexually active. Plus the short sharp ends can puncture and tear a condom.
    The average guy has a hairy penis, just part of being a man.

  • just shave, i have shaved for years and when women see it i get nothing but compliments, any other type of removal is going to be expensive, once you have shaved for a while your skin gets use to it and you dont notice it any more

  • Several methods...Nair, Veet (I think)...several depilatories on the market, of course waxing or laser treatments. The lotions can -burn- your skin, so be careful.

  • Laser treatments. Nair also gets rid of hair too but you would still need to shave it for it to work.

  • just get an electric razor.

  • VEET !!! You can buy it at the drug store.

  • you could always wax it off. That would last a few weeks before it started to grow back.

  • why the **** would you do that. are you growing a pussy?

    How do i get rid of the hair on and near my penis? -
  • How do i get a bigger penis? -

    How do i get a bigger penis? -

    magnifying glass..............
    Why do men keep asking this question?

  • For more information, go to the following non-commercial websites !!!��

  • Work out, and eat right!

  • Why?
    At last, the gayness could take out any problem about!

  • Penis size is need to select a different father!

    Lose make your penis look larger!

  • Not possible. All the -programs and pills- are scams. Don-t waste your money.

    Most women don-t care about size.

    (although I still wonder why women post answers in this category. Like they know anything about the equipment)

    How do i get a bigger penis? -
  • How big is Howard Sterns penis? -

    How big is Howard Sterns penis? -

    Just curious....

  • 7.5 inches.

  • hhmm well im 8 1/2 babyy whaa youu wanna give em headd orr que??

  • Is that information necessary for you to know?

  • His whole body is one big disgusting penis!!!

  • Who is Howard Stern?

  • Why do you care?

  • ask him

  • why? are u gonna meet up and compare???

    How big is Howard Sterns penis? -


    Well it is growin reall fast it grew 1in in the past week or two. its 7.6in rite now n i dont want it too big! HELP ME!!

  • take it out into the jungle where there are no computers (and stay there for five years). With no one to lie to, problem solved.

  • keep the head of your penis coated in Ketchup
    The acidity from the toamato juice will negate the growth hormones your body is manufacturing.
    Heinz works the best
    And your penis will look stylish
    and if you are ever in need of a condiment; you will have easy access.

  • Check your ruler someone may have cut an inch off. Inch in a week is unreal. It will stop growing on its own and there is no way to stop it. What vitamins do you take cause I would like to buy some?

  • i think you saw your penis when you are horny. look your penis when someone kick your ***..then you will know how big is your penis.. truth

  • Don-t worry! The thing with imaginary penises is that they disappear when you stop thinking about them.

  • Quit advertising!!!

  • I agree. Cut it off. Problem solved.

  • wow you grow fast i grow 1 in in 1 year....

  • you cant stop it, just let it grow


  • are you crazy that good

  • dude email me now
