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F one were to measure his penis, how would one go about this? on the top from the bladder to the hole? ? -

F one were to measure his penis, how would one go about this? on the top from the bladder to the hole? ? -

hear alot about the average being 5-, but how are they measuring?

  • from the base to the top

  • There will always be guys bigger than you. there are abot 3 billion men or boys on this planet. so 2,999,999,999 men are smaller than the top guy. and 2.999.999.999 are bigger than the smallest guy.

    I worried about the size of my willy for a long time. But there-s nothing i can do about it and whatever size it is, it-s natural.

    If you-re asking the question cos u think you-re small - it ain-t gonna matter to the one who falls in love with you. If you-re askin cos your a big boy and you want kudos - dude, you didn-t -earn- it - as tho you can be proud - just be happy with it and don-t try to belittle other people who are smaller - otherwise it-ll be -big dick - small personality-

  • er, well you place you finger right where the penis sticks out of your abdomen and measure it to the tip using the L shape. record the measurement on a ruler. the real average is 5in to 6in.
    10 points?

  • well i am acually nine inches. i didnt know others were that short.I can-t have sex half the time because the girl doesn-t have enough -room-.

  • Oh Geesh, measure from the base to the tip when you are fully erect.

  • its 6 inches actually lol

  • i dont get it

  • On your should be from the tip of a guys the the tip of your index finger.. Kind of like making an L

    F one were to measure his penis, how would one go about this? on the top from the bladder to the hole? ? -
  • How can i increase the size of my penis? -

    How can i increase the size of my penis? -

    okay the other side:

    there-s Jelging techniques - learn more about that with the dvd Matters of Size

    vacuum pumping increases the size on a tempoary basis however after a period of time the penis learns it new shape and increases in size.

    some pills will increase blood flow to the penile shaft giving the owner a fuller feel of the penis. it will also increase libido.

  • use mine!!

  • More SX..Yum-Yum

  • Suck it.
    Lolz you can-t and you shouldn-t try!
    Just work on what you do with it, that-s better than how big it is..
    Besides, big ones are supposed to hurtttttttt the girl!

  • Go to Home Depot and buy some Miracle Gro

  • It has nothing to do with DNA you can increase it a little bit about a half to an inch by building the your muscles around the thigh people forget that the penis is a muscle NO DRUGS and tighten your butt checks I know a guy who has thirteen inches and he-s the only one not his father or grand or great grand he was blessed

  • You can-t. It-s in your DNA. No pills or pumps will work. Surgery helps but only adds a miniscule amount - I-m not having someone cut into my bits for a centimeter.

    The average size is 5.5 - 6.5 inches erect. Most vaginas are about 6 inches long. Just a couple things to keep in mind.

    How can i increase the size of my penis? -