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How to enlarge penis ? Information from is reliable? -

How to enlarge penis ? Information from is reliable? -

I don-t know the website, but actual penis enlargement can get up to an inch even two sometimes in length. The surgery cuts the skin an pulls the internal part of the penis out of the body, so your bulb (the lump between your testicles and anus) will now be the base of your penis on the outside. However, with the -basement- out of the ground, it can be difficult for your erection to be stable, meaning it can flop around.

For widening, not a lot of girth is gained. The shaft is split length ways around your urethra, and held apart a little bit and either graphed or left to heal in... painful and doesn-t gain much.

  • Here we go again with another -penis length/size- question.
    Average is about 5 to 6 inches. Penises come in a variety of sizes. Your penis size will be the size you are given! There are no pills or creams, no toys or tools that will make a penis longer or larger. Any product claiming to do that should be regarded as being suspect. Likely it is a scam and the only thing that will get bigger is the wallet or bank account of the person/company offering the product. Look closely at the promotions and you will see that the product is not tested, inspected, approved or endorsed by any reputable organization. If it works why has it not been submitted to the U.S. Federal Food and Drug Administration for FDA Approval. If you are concerned that your penis is not large enough then consider that the average length is 5.5 inches and frankly that is plenty large enough. Read some of the posts from females who are afraid of the -huge- penises out there. Sure the -American thing- is -bigger is better- but that is not always the case. If you are concerned about the ladies pleasure - and that should be your main concern, you should develop a technique or style that makes the most out of what you were given.
    It is important to remember that sexual intercourse is not simply a piston going back and forth at a high speed. Actually a lot of the -jocks- haven-t figured that out yet. If you work at developing a style you will score more and it will be more fun for both of you.
    And it will be fun learning the technique.
    And if you are still wanting to do something to make your penis bigger, each night before you climb into bed, get down on your knees, bow your head, and pray for a larger penis. Trust me, you stand a better chance this way than with any tools or toys


    How to enlarge penis ? Information from is reliable? -
  • How much longer does a mans penis grow when theyre hard? -

    How much longer does a mans penis grow when theyre hard? -

    i know this is a weird question to ask but my friend says it gets a lot longer when they-re hard than it usually is.

  • There are -growers,- who can triple the length when they get hard, and there are -showers,- who are impressive-looking flaccid but only double (or a bit less) in length when erect.

    If you-re following the logic of this, while erect penises are of different sizes, the difference is not nearly so much as when they are in their resting state.

  • Some guys when they become errect will double in size. Some guys when they become erect will not get much larger.

    As far as any guesses, I don-t think anyone could accurately guess that, there are too many variations in men.

  • @al-in-chgo

    Actually when a penis is erect it is relaxed, and when flaccid it is tensed up. funny, i know

  • Penis size + 0.5 through 3 inches.

    In some cases length times 1.2 through 1.5.

  • About double the size flaccid.

  • mine is like this tiny *** little thing when im not erect, but when i get erect it turns into a 7 inch monster.

  • when its completely straight

    How much longer does a mans penis grow when theyre hard? -
  • How to increase penis height.plz give tips to me.? -

    How to increase penis height.plz give tips to me.? -

    my age is height is 5.4.but what is a problem is my penis is very small size in height and breadth.
    how to improve penis me

  • Stand on a 1 metre high box. It immediately increases the height of your penis by over 99cm.

  • You should be happy with what you have.

    However if you really feel the need to increase your penis size,then you should try out these :

    Here are four good natural penis enhancement techniques I recommend for rookies. Done properly and consistently, they should add close to an inch or two to your penis in six weeks.

    1. Penis stretches. This one is very simple. Just take your flaccid penis and stretch it as far out in front of your body as it will go. Do it gently and gradually and hold it there for thirty seconds. Rest ten seconds between sets and repeat this at least ten times.

    2. Jelqing. This is another great technique for rookies. Get your penis halfway erect, apply lubrication, and grip it tightly at the base with the thumb and forefinger of one hand. Slowly slide that hand up the shaft toward the tip, pushing as much blood into your penis as possible. When you reach the tip, immediately grip the base the same way using the other hand and repeat. Do this nonstop for ten minutes.

    3. Ulis. This is a great exercise to increase girth. It is also very easy and does not take much time. Achieve a full erection and grip the base of your penis the same way you would if you were jelqing. Squeeze as hard as you can without causing discomfort. Your penis shaft should swell and your penis head should get big and shiny. Hold for ten seconds and rest for ten seconds. Repeat this three or four times.

    Do this routine every other day and make sure you warm your penis up before each workout by wrapping it in a hot washcloth for five minutes.

    4. A larger penis can be achieved with the use of penis enhancers. There are many forms of penis enhancement products such as pills, patches and topical oils. However, one unique natural product that can produce significant results and makes use of the body-s natural abilities comes in the form of a liquid called super-vir

    Always remember, if you are not satisfied with what you were born with, it is never too late to do something about it!

  • Nothing you can take will change the size of your penis. Those are myths used to get your money -- not actual treatments, that you hear about.

    I suggest enjoying what you have. The best sex I-ve ever had was with guys with small penises. They can do the most awesome things. Whether you are gay or straight, be proud of the penis you have, and of yourself. Take care of yourself (as in, be sure you are thin and keep clean all over) and be good to people. You will have no problem finding partners, and they will enjoy your penis, small or big.


    Kind thoughts,


  • hate to break it to ya
    but its just not possible
    huge companies make millions of dollars ripping off men wanting bigger penises.
    my advice is stick with what you have and learn techniques and new positions that will make your girl scream ;]
    such as 69, reverse cowboy, whatever
    but im sure whatever size you are, you-re fine
    most girls don-t even care

  • Unless you started Puberty really late, you-ve probably gotten as much height and penis size as you-re going to get by 23. Particularly if your growth plates have closed, no further height is possible.

  • Not possible, learn to live with it.
    Brush up on other techniques.
    Become the Master Cunnilingualist

  • By altering your Deoxyribonucleic acid.

  • Many have tried and failed. Lots will take your money. Alas an implant is the only way.


  • I get it... Tips.

  • kegel excercises!

    How to increase penis height.plz give tips to me.? -
  • I feel that i have a small penis how big should it be for a 16 year old male turning 17? -

    I feel that i have a small penis how big should it be for a 16 year old male turning 17? -

    Normal is anywhere between 4 - 6 ins erect

  • 5-6 inches would be the correct size for somoene over 17 years old! but more closer towards the 5 in mark.

  • Your not done growing until about 19, so don-t worry, but 5 in is average.

  • I-m a nurse. Dear don-t worry about that right now,you are still growing. Before you know it, it will get larger in size. You are fine and try not to worry about this. If it makes you feel any better I had better sex from a man with a smaller one. And most women would agree, but wouldn-t mention it.

  • it-s as big as it is. i used to think i had a small dick in jr high/high school. turns out i was pretty well endowed. your dick looks smaller when you are viewing it; try checking yourself out in a mirror. the important thing is that you have a penis, period. enjoy!

  • About 6 or so inches

  • Depends on how big you are. Bigger guys are usually bigger down there, smaller guys are smaller. Penis size is normally proportionate to overall size, with about a 25% variance. Average penis size, by the way, is a range of 5.5 to 6 inches, and about 75% of the adult male population that is caucasian or african descent are within that size range no matter how much they lie about it.

  • Being a counselor and researcher, I-ve read a lot of different surveys about penis averages. Some say that the average is anything between 5-7 inches, some other surveys indicate an average of 5 1/2 - 6 1/2 inches. But those are not true averages, there can be only ONE average number. What they really are giving us, are average ranges.

    Which means that if you use the 5-7 inches range and you have a 5 inches penis, 80-90% of the men have longer penis than you, and 10-20% of the men have or shorter penis than you do. If your penis is 7 inches, 20-30% of the men have the same or longer penis than you do, and 70-80% of the men have a shorter penis than you. FYI, anything under 2.7 inches long erect or 2.76�� in girth, is consider a Micro Penis.

    I know that there are a some people answering similar questions that state that the average is more like 5 inches. I��ve in fact read some research that suggests that the average is closer to 5 inches. But once you start dissecting how the study was conducted, who conducted the research, why, where the money (grants) came from, and how they came about those results, it makes you wonder. I would be particularly suspicious about reports and articles to show a list of averages per country. Quite often what you read in news papers, magazine articles and the media in general, has been distorted from the real facts.

    An excellent example is how the media distorted the factual results of lab research that showed promising outcome in cancer treatment with shark cartilage. I��m sure you remember that one. Well, I read the actual reports submitted by the researchers, and they never claimed that it could cure cancer. Not like the media stated. Because of the irresponsible actions of the news media, sharks are still to this day being butchered for their cartilage. If people would only take the time to read the actual reports, they would realized, based on the information given by the conducting researchers, that grinding the cartilage and taking it orally, DOES NOT WORK! The cartilage will never make it into the blood stream because the particles are too big in size to make it through the intestinal wall which acts like a filter. Therefore you defecate it. Literally, it��s like throwing money down the toilet.

    Back to the subject, I personally have asked (in a candidly matter) male clients about their penis size and I��ve even asked female clients about their partner��s size, and by doing some simple math, I��ve concluded that the figures bellow are more accurate. FYI: I��ve asked my clients about the size issue because the situation merited the question.

    There are four studies that made news when each came out, and these have a single digit average instead of a range.

    The first one is the famous Kinsey Sex Institute study. In the 1960s they asked over 3500 college males to measure themselves.
    average penis length: 6 inch (15.2 cm)
    average penis girth: 5 inch (12.7 cm)

    Then there is the now famous Richard Edwards- Definitive Penis Size Survey Results with over 3000 participants.
    average penis length: 6.3 inch (16 cm)
    average penis girth: 5.1 inch (13 cm)

    Another survey is the one done by Durex (just under 3000 participants):
    average penis length: 6.4 inch (16.3 cm)
    average penis girth: 5.2 inch (13.3 cm)

    A more recent study was performed by Lifestyles Condom Co. in March 2001. They measured 300 college-aged students:
    average penis length: 5.9 inch (15 cm)
    average penis girth: 5 inch (12.7 cm)

    Here are also the results of a couple of studies conducted on minors. I trust the second study more than the first and I-ll explain why in the conclusions. As you��ll see, averages in both tables support the averages stated previously.

    By age, the averages found were:

    FIRST STUDY (averages of measurements given by teens to a survey done by researchers)
    Age....... Size
    12....... 4.1- (104 mm)
    13....... 5.1- (130 mm)
    14....... 6.0- (152 mm)
    15....... 6.1- (155 mm)
    16....... 6.3- (160 mm)
    17....... 6.5- (165 mm)
    18....... 6.4- (163 mm)
    19....... 6.2- (157 mm)
    20....... 6.2- (157 mm)


    The average adult penis size is about 6.1 inches or (157mm). It is interesting that in this study, penis size -peaks- at age 17. Since penises do not get smaller as a male approaches age 21, it can be concluded that boys aged 16, 17, and 18 are most likely to exaggerate the size of their penises.

    SECOND STUDY (averages of measurements taken by doctors)
    Age....... **Erect Length (inches - centimeters)
    11....... 3.0- (3 and 0/16ths-) 7.5 cm
    12....... 3.8- (3 and 13/16ths-) 9.6 cm
    13....... 4.8- (4 and 13/16ths-) 12.3 cm
    14....... 5.4- (5 and 6/16ths-) 13.6 cm
    15....... 5.6- (5 and 10/16ths-) 14.3 cm
    16....... 5.7- (5 and 11/16ths-) 14.5 cm
    17....... 5.8- (5 and 13/16ths-) 14.8 cm
    18....... 5.8- (5 and 13/16ths-) 14.8 cm
    19+��.. 5.9- (5 and 14/16ths-) 14.9 cm


    This table is a collection of measurements from doctors and pediatric physicians. They do not measure the boys- penises while they have erections. The length of the erect penis can be determined by stretching the flaccid penis from the tip as far out as it will comfortably extend. It is then measured from the tip to the base while flaccid (and still extended). The measurement is then taken for the medical records of boys who have had developmental concerns, urogenital diseases, or penis injuries. It does not take long for a group of physicians to determine averages and normal variations when they see hundreds of patients per year.

    No matter which study you believe, keep in mind that penis growth among teens differs widely. For a young male, trying to interpret a table of averages is not necessarily easy nor beneficial. Young men who read this may try to make comparisons with themselves and this table. Please be advised that you should use this tables ONLY as -average reference-. Remember, when an -average measurement- is listed, that means approximately 50% of all young men are shorter than this number (and about 50% are larger). Less than 1% of males are exactly average. That means less than 1 out of 100 men will match the average number exactly. Beware that averages are actually known as -statistical means- and they are typically used in the context of medicine and statistical sciences rather than personal counseling. Nevertheless, the table can still be used as a good reference for average penis growth over time.

  • 5 to 7 inches although if you-re still developing it might be smaller.

    I feel that i have a small penis how big should it be for a 16 year old male turning 17? -