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Ive shaved my penis by mistake, and now it started to grow hair, how do i remove the hair? -

Ive shaved my penis by mistake, and now it started to grow hair, how do i remove the hair? -

Hair grows in, including on the shaft of the penis and the balls during puberty -- you can shave it regularly, or leave it alone and let it grow. A hairy shaft can be really sexy on a cute guy.

Kind thoughts,


  • By the sounds of it, you are young and your just starting to go through puberty. Its not from you shaving you penis that hair started to because your starting puberty... you will see that you will get hair on you upper lip and on ur face, armpits, on your penis, above and around your penis, and on your will also notice how you penis gets bigger and hard at times this is normal and it starts at puberty too

  • you should use PROPECIA
    about it you can find information from the following website

  • 1.Use some hair removal cream which females use
    2.Shave it again
    3.Try Waxing etc.
    If you use hair removal cream no hair grows again

  • By mistake?

  • Shave it again.

    Shaving it will mean it grows back even thicker, though.

  • use a hair remover, but on your penis ,man this is going to hurt you a lot....

  • How can you shave it by mistake? Keep shaving it.

  • how do you shave your penis by mistake?

  • i would say to use hair removing cream so it wont come back

  • yank em hard.
    aim for the roots.

  • use your pubes to form a beard for your face

  • lawl...yea shave it again..

  • shave it again?

    Ive shaved my penis by mistake, and now it started to grow hair, how do i remove the hair? -
  • How big should my penis be at 14 years old? -

    How big should my penis be at 14 years old? -

    im 6 and a half inches is that small or big

  • Don-t listen to that other idiot.

    the average for an adult is 5.5- 6 inches long.

    So 6.5 is considered slightly above average. So, you are pretty big.

    I am 14 almost 15 and mine is about 7 inches long if that helps you out.

  • Average and normal.

    How big should my penis be at 14 years old? -
  • How to fix my curved penis? -

    How to fix my curved penis? -

    Im 18 and have a slightly curved penis in the southeast position of my body. I have looked up techniques for fixing this situation and i heard that stretching it will help it grow longer and straighten. I was wondering if there is anything i can do to fix this problem and why i have it!-basicalled on a 45 degree angle and pointing slightly towards the floor

  • Can-t dude! Gotta live with it!

  • what-s so bad about that? mine is straight, and really its nothing special.

    How to fix my curved penis? -