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How can something affect ur penis size? -

How can something affect ur penis size? -

if ur jewish, does that really affect ur penis size?

  • Here is the truth about size! You are born with the size you are given. BUT i think there is one way that can effect the growth thought out life. D*R*U*G*S. Let me tell you. Every guy that I have been with that has done weed for a long period of years, has been out reagously small. I mean not even worth my time. NO PLEASURE what so ever. So just dont do drugs and I think you will be Pleasureable from there.

  • HAHAHAHAHA, wow..

    now that i actually think about it, it MIGHT, and i only say this because ethniticies such as african american males tend to have bigger penises than white males..

  • race and religions are not a factor. Some black people are small and other are big, that is why you only see black people with huge things, but that is why they go on to show stuff. Others are small thats why they dont show it

  • Your religious belifes doesn- t have anything to do with your penis size. Your health and body shape has more to do with it than religion.

    How can something affect ur penis size? -
  • How can i make my penis bigger? -

    How can i make my penis bigger? -

    14 and 6.5 inches when erect i want to know what i can do to make it bigger in length and girth.only real answers not ones that dont help.thanks

  • get a vacume pump

  • To be honest, the average penis size is around 6 inches for adults (of course, this is erect).
    As for increasing the size, there isn-t much. Male enchancement pills are pretty fake, if not hazardous (some pills have been found to contain feces inside).

    The only idea I have, however ridiculous it sounds, is to exercise it. Technically, the penis is a muscle, so if you can exercise it, it might help by improving the blood flow into it, which makes it larger (at least make it look like it)

  • just to tell you your penis is already pretty big and you have to remember that some girls get scared of really big penis-s because they think its going to hurt like a ton!!!
    saying that if you still want to make it bigger i think you will have to wait till you are 18 so you can go to a sex shop and there you can buy everything you need to get bigger, like pumps and stuff.
    good luck and remember, it-s not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean!

  • Well.. You might not like the real answer but here goes.
    First I am considered fairly well equiped and at 6.25.

    So you don-t need any more than that. In fact more can be less. The smaller ones are easy to inflate, and the big ones can be so big that they simply never get hard enough to insert without helping it with your hands.

    I would say while we all want a 14 inch... Its just not practical. The heart only has so much pressure. Stay right at that size. Heck even much smaller guys are considfered doing good. Most of my friends are smaller that me.

    Size can also hurt the girl or make it so that she doesn-t want to have sex with you, and you don-t want that. Trust me here.

    If you want to look bigger go for foreskin restoration instead it has plenty of other benefits. Like restoring sensation to the glans. A side effect of this is that a foreskin can make it look like you are lots bigger.

    Your best answer. If I pull my foreskin back I look small and silly. When foreward I look lots bigger than my friends. They want what I have. What they don-t know is that they can also restore and have one as well. 8-)

  • There-s really not much to do. 99.99% of male enhancement pills are not legit. You could try -tugging- or -pulling on it- for a couple minutes a day and maybe the cells will go through division and make more skin cells possibly giving you length. But if they do it won-t be much. Also, Usually, having a foreskin makes it look a bit thicker and sometimes a bit longer. But Your size seems pretty much fine. Especially for 14. Chances are you will keep on growing until about age 16-20.

  • Do not try pumps if you do it enough it will lead to e.d and also pills are fake. I heard exercising helps because of blood flow! Tugging on it wont make it bigger and it will just hurt like hell. And Your not bad for a fourteen year old because 6 in. is average. Just hang in there your going to grow also make sure your getting a good 9 hours of sleeping because everything grows and im not making up all this b/s so don-t worry about it bud

  • dude shutup im 14 and 5 inches. you-re considered lucky! plus think of this your already average... and you have about 4 to 6 more years of growing! i wish i had 6.5 ;) i would definatly be satisfied

  • You can-t, there is no physical way to increase your penis size, besides 6- is the normal penis size for an adult male. And 6.5- for a 14 y/o is considered big.

  • Cut your fingers off at the first knuckle,it will make your fingers smaller and your c**k will look massive when you hold it.

  • Calm the hormone train down I am sure your the only one looking at it right now anyway.

  • Hang weights off of it....

  • Skin would know, he grew it in a pitre dish and had it surgically attached. Jones out

  • im 13 and mine became huge after i started to masturbate every day twice trust me it works mine grew to 8in

  • wowww!.....why??.. thats all i have to ask?.. U sound fine by me? :)

    How can i make my penis bigger? -
  • How can i make my penis bigger without taking pills or useing a penis pump? -

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    How old should i be when i start cleaning my penis? -

    How old should i be when i start cleaning my penis? -

    as soon as you are old enough to take a shower by yourself

  • any age..

  • Please go take a bath now an wash it

  • There is no time like the present.

  • Birth

  • Get in the routine of cleaning it now. Like your arm pits there is hair (or soon to be hair) and are prone to get sweatier than other places, so you are more likely to get rashes or other skin problems in that area. Get in the habit of cleaning that area a little better than others (like your arm).

  • my advice is you should call some cleaning company, to get better cleanliness and help.

  • As soon as possible. I-m assuming that your uncircumcised and if so most guys should be able to retract their forskin before puberty. Unless they have what it called phimosis.

  • you should clean it everytime you bathe.

  • You wash it when you wash any other part of yourself. No minimum age.

  • 5or 6, when u start bathing by yourself

  • are you serious?

    you are obviously at-least 5 or 6 years old, to have the ability to type this question... you should have started attempting to wash it 3 to 4 years ago, when you parents first gave you the wash clothe to wash your face....

    who has been washing it for you? wow, must be dirty

  • does it mean you havent been cleaning your penis for years? gross

  • There is no age limit to being clean. If you clean your penis regularly, you are only guiding against penile diseases an infections. Take very good care of your penis. After all you have only one.

    How old should i be when i start cleaning my penis? -