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What is circumcision?My penis doesnt have that circumcision.How to achieve that? -

What is circumcision?My penis doesnt have that circumcision.How to achieve that? -

Ok..the -tip- of the Pen-is is not -cut off-. The loose skin surrounding the head is trimmed.

If you have skin around the head or are -uncut- then don-t worry about it - just keep it clean under the skin. You are better off with the skin (in my opinion) than without it. It is natural and the way you were born.

If you do NOT have skin, then you have already been circumsized or are -cut-. It-s an obsession with the US medical community to cut the excess skin off. In Europe it is not nearly as common (unless you are royalty I am told).


  • um... a circumcision is like when the tip of your penis is cut off. most males have this done as a new-born because it can actually prevent some problems (like pain and bleeding during sex) later on. if you are NOT cicumcised, its not a HUGE deal, but it isnt too late to get it done. hey, but i am not an expert. i just listen to alot of love line.

    What is circumcision?My penis doesnt have that circumcision.How to achieve that? -