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How do i overcome the fear of wut she will think about the size of my penis? -

How do i overcome the fear of wut she will think about the size of my penis? -

how can i overcome the fear of wut she will think about my penis size? i am between 5.6 and 6 inches in length. she says she wants to do stuff but im afraid of wut she will think... ne suggestions????? plz

  • By thinking what you will do with her before the penis becomes big
    .. . ..
    Fore play baby fore play
    .. .. ..
    This is what makes a good one happen not how big it is
    .. .. ..
    Remember her sensitive part is just inches inside her and on the outside top spot ........... remember
    ... .. . ..

  • You are the same size as almost everyone else. At least the people in real life and not the ones that use an internet ruler. I don-t think she is going to pay attention. Don-t let your nerves ruin the experience. You are perfect sized if you ask me.

  • why are you afraid you are the normal size. you aren-t small... just make sure when she sees it the first time.. its erect.. or else she will think its small..
    plus girls dont really care.. its all about your hands and mouth.. as long as you have those 2 you can please a girl :)

  • Dude this chick is going out for you as you not because of your unit. if that is the case she is to shallow to see you your personallity your niceness you. I would dump a chick just becauseshe couldnt deal with my junk


  • If she honestly loves you for you, it won-t matter how big you are. Just tell yourself this and think of all your good qualities and this should calm your nerves. Hope this helps.

  • well if she wants to do stuff she doesnt care about the size...dont be fag, leave your vagina at home and get out there....

  • dude if she wants ur penis shes not gonna turn it down as soon as you whip it out...

  • remember its not the size of the ship, its the motion of the ocean, p.s. clitteras!!!!

  • ok, if she wants to do you then she wont care. ive headrs from all my friends that are girls that size DOESN-T matter. It-s how ya use it that counts ;]

  • wow u have a nice size penis so take it slowly and enjoy the benefits


  • Is she fearful that she won-t see the small thing?

    How do i overcome the fear of wut she will think about the size of my penis? -
  • How to grow a long and strong penis? -

    How to grow a long and strong penis? -

    i need to grow my penis more longer and bigger

  • I wish it was that easy.

  • There will be no miracles, but you can increase the length and girth of penis by exercises and by using traction devices.

    Exercises and the traction devices should be used carefully. No matter what you��ve heard about being able to build traction devices at home or simply hang weights from penis, don��t ever try such a thing. If something goes wrong, there will be a long and painful recovery.

    Be kind to your penis. Even if you buddies will try to talk to you into trying ��amazing�� exercises that will double the size of your penis and triple its girth, resist the urge of making a rat lab out of yourself.

    There are safer penis lengthening techniques and you can never be too careful when it comes to your penis. Find web sites that sell devices that have been tested in doctors�� offices. The price does matter, it��s true, but your health matters more than a few bucks. If you will spend the money, then you better be sure you spend it on a safe and effective device.

    The same thing holds true for exercising. Ideally you will have an exercises DVD accompanying the traction device. If you buy a traction device that comes only with its own user guide, then you have to start searching for DVDs with exercises that will help you make the most of your traction device.

    Always consult your doctor. If the doctor advises you to use the exercises and the traction, then you can be sure you are safe. All you have to do is follow the instructions as you use them to give you the safety results you want.

    Since penis is one of the important parts of your body, you should consider the safety of your penis. You can spend any amount of money or get your money back for penis enlargement but you cannot just grab any opportunity and risk your penis with products you��re not sure of. Make sure that the product you��ll choose is clinically proven, supported with medical solution and offers the guarantee you need.

  • Sorry bro... no easy way to get it bigger... just let it do it on its own. and it will turn out fine.

    (Dan can use a -workout-) lol (as in above)

  • what you-ll wanna do is sharpen it like a pencil so when it grows back, it grows a little extra... keep going as desired..

  • to get it longer you have to buy a german dick pump
    eithier that or constant at least 16 hour a day masturbation

  • Find me and I will give it a work out

    *runs away*

  • First you fill out a form and then you wait.

  • chew on it
    works 4 me haha

    How to grow a long and strong penis? -
  • How to decrease the sensitivity of penis ? -

    How to decrease the sensitivity of penis ? -

    masturbate or get circumcised

  • I tried the jerking off thing and it didnt work for me. tried a hard brissel toothbrush in the shower for 15min at a time that didnt work either.seemed to be the only thing that worked was yayoo or liquor.but i just tried the bengay thing. it burns like crazy i let ya know if it worked

  • Keep three things ready, hot water, luke warm water and third ice cubes or cold water. Hold your penis in erect position and dip in hot water for about a minute, remove and keep in luke warm water for 2 minutes and the last stage dim him in the ice cubes and keep him there for 3 minutes. Repeat this three times twice a day for a week. You will loose all your sensitivity and maybe you will loose your erection also. All the best

  • If you-re ejaculating too quickly then you-ll find that it-s most likely a mind over matter thing. Either speak to a professional or become more confident within yourself somehow. That-s what I did.
    If it-s physical then try anything with lignocaine in it (google). There-s a product called Stud 100 or something they sell at pharmacists or drug stores.

  • Get some sports heat rub or heat liniment like Bengay or Dencorub, apply a good wad on your hands and rub together so that they are really oily/greasy with the stuff and then rub it all over your Long John and scrotum rapidly.

    You will feel a difference down there almost immediately.

  • Why do you want to do so? Its kinda weird to have such a thought.

    Rub your d*ckhead often. Soon your sensitivity will drop to 20%

  • Why would you want to? Ten years down the road you will be crying that it-s not sensitive enough!

  • masturbate a lot and i bet your jonson will no more be erect.

  • circumsision with wearing briefs for a few yrs.

  • masturbate

    How to decrease the sensitivity of penis ? -
  • How can a crooked penis be cured? -

    How can a crooked penis be cured? -

    C-clamps and two straight boards

  • if it-s so bad you need it fixed, there is a procedure for that called Nesbit penile plication. This type of surgery is the only way to fix it.

  • hahha some girls LIKE it curved....hits different angles :)

  • there is nothing wrong with that so dont change it

  • by masturbating a different way

  • Put a cast and a brace on it for 80 years.....done deal

  • If it ain-t broke, don-t fix it!

  • most curve one way or the other

  • ok thats rly weird lol

    How can a crooked penis be cured? -
  • Everyone please give me a answer how come my penis want get hard and its smaller that usual size please anwer? -

    Everyone please give me a answer how come my penis want get hard and its smaller that usual size please anwer? -

    Who knows...none of us can tell you...

    Go ask your Doctor...

  • How old are you? Maybe it just is not mature enough -- you must be in puberty for it to start growing and getting really hard. If you have finished puberty, then you must consult a doctor for useful answers to your questions, as we can-t examine you and make a diagnosis, and most of us have little or no medical training anyway.

    Everyone please give me a answer how come my penis want get hard and its smaller that usual size please anwer? -