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How can I increase the size of my penis? -

How can I increase the size of my penis? -


There are some options to do this...

1. Penile ligament surgery

You should know that the final result totally depends on the original penis size, because penile ligament surgery enlarges only the length which will be enlarged on extender. So after the surgery penis enlargement will be more effective in case you use extender.

2. Penis enlargement vacuum pumps

The pump has no major importance in penis enlargement because the extender is more handy. You can put the extender on and mind your work. When the talk is about pump you are ��attached�� to it. It is hard to imagine that you should find free hours every day for using a pump.

However, exercises with pump are reasonable enough before extender usage as physiotherapy in order to ��heat�� penis and to pull it before you put extender on penis. You should use pump just for 10-15 minutes.

3. Self-made system for penis enlargement

Let us see the main point here. You can make a special band with a rubber from one side. The band must be fastened with hook and loop around penis head. From the band goes a rubber which goes through a fixing on the knee ending with a special irons dressed on foot. Both fixing and irons can be made of non-crushing medical bandage. So when walking, your penis is always in traction. You may use this system when it is impossible to use extender. Also you may use it when you drive in your car at your work and then in office you may use extender.

4. Sex

You should have sex regularly. Do not forget about it.

5. Hormonal therapy (ointment)

Use ointment which contains just active testosterone for local metabolic effect on penis, which is sensitive to hormonal action. This may be effective only if you use extender. In case you have hormonal dysregulations and low testosterone level, after you consult the endocrinologist it would be reasonable to take a course of hormonal injection therapy.

Ointment local administration containing just testosterone has no sense, because testosterone should absorb into blood and pass pathways in order to become active. After that it hits though the blood commonly into all organs and tissues, so the sense of local administration is lost.

As to usage of different drugs such as pills and ointments containing natural components and ingredients that intensify penis blood circulation, it should be said that mechanism of action of those drugs doesn��t stand up to scrutiny from a perspective of normal physiology and penis anatomy �C it works out for people having no medical education. Today the most effective pills to increase erection are Viagra, Levitra and Cialis, and the metabolic drug substance acting on penis is active testosterone. Sure, you can think that against strong erection happens penis traction from the inside. How much time should last erection to get its action started for penis enlargement? Isn��t it easier to use extender?

Besides that, against super erection penis may really seem bigger than it was by maximum traction of penis tissues.

Pills containing testosterone are virulent for the body because their usage destroy liver. Men over 45 years should be careful when taking testosterone.

  • you can try penis enlargement exercise, Penis exercise has proven by expert to enlarge their penis size. the method is much safe and secure compare to taking pills, oils or surgeries.

    All you have to o is practice the method 6-10 minutes per day with only by your hands, without worry about the side effect of the exercise. Cause like i said, you will not need to consume any pills or pills.

  • vagina

  • this question is asked hundreds of times each day and the answer is always the can-t.

  • You can-t, so just accept what you have and make the most of it.

  • jelq

  • Make an inch deep incision from base to tip with a butter knife. Flay it open and stuff a banana in there. Close it back up around the banana and use tape, glue, or some string to hold it together.

    Presto - the cock will be huge.

    No need to thank me.

  • Impossible. You cant do it. Accept your body and be happy

  • Prayer

    How can I increase the size of my penis? -

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