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How many penises are pointing up / downward and why? -

How many penises are pointing up / downward and why? -

Those who have penises pointing upward, is it easier for you to keep it inside and how often do you stop to put it back in again?

Does your downward penises come out often and you have manually put it back in again?

Please tell me! Thank you.

  • MAte.. whatever the angle of your dangle.. you got to know how to steer it.. and practice makes perfect.

  • Usually right handed men up it to the left and left handed men put it to the right just goes with the flow. But with loose boxers its free to make its own choices. The only way your going to get it to stay pointing up is either hard or with very tight undies and I don-t think that would be good for your motility. Good luck just play you-ll figure it out.

  • Makes no difference dude. Once it is inside the vagina, it generally stays put unless you withdraw too much. Then just poke it back in, it will find its home quite easily.

  • i dont get the question

  • the angle of the dangle has little to do with whether it is easily inserted or how well it stays in or the sensations derived from it being there.

    what does matter is knowing how to use what you have properly and finding techniques that make insertion easy, help keep it from falling out and ensure great contact and sensations.

  • this is not a smart question cuz penises dont point up unless theyre erected and thats not every guy.guys penises point different directions

  • Read these facts from experts on the field...

    Penis Health:

    How many penises are pointing up / downward and why? -
  • How to stop penis growth? -

    How to stop penis growth? -

    I am happy with my penis size. I don-t want it any larger!
    Is there a way to stop the growth?

    A real way please.

  • yes you can stunt growth of the human anatomy.
    any appendage any size.
    Asian cultures with bound feet....tribes with elongated necks.
    Are you willing to bind your wee-wee to keep it that size.....i doubt it...
    but yeah you literally could stop it from growing any further if you truly desired to do so.

  • I know steroids can make it smaller. Also, there are a lot of I guess you can say -urban legends- about certain products shrinking penises. As far as stopping growth I don-t know but try to find some of those legends online if it gets any bigger and see if it makes it go back down to the size you want. Some of what most people would call myth are actually true, I could swear by some of them.

  • I think it is sad how long i had to search to find a answer.
    you will find 100000 websites to make it bigger but not one to make it smaller or to prevent to get to bigg during sex.
    I have the same problem and my parnet and i are thinking about a medical procedure.
    So if anyone has a serious good typ let me know on this forum.

  • I feel your pain. Mine is already pretty big, but it just keeps on getting bigger and bigger. I-m starting to have back problems because of it!

    Try thinking about something gross and unattractive, like Rosie O-Donnell or Cabbage Patch Kids

  • Your question is weird it won-t grow too much, And you are a good observer too, before preventing its growth make sure it has reached 6 inch.

  • no, but be happy with what you got most men have the opposite problem

  • But when it grows, that-s when it stops!

  • Not that I know of. Consider yourself lucky.

  • coffee?

  • I dont think there is a way...maybe ask your doc

  • not a healthy way

    How to stop penis growth? -
  • How long is your penis? -

    How long is your penis? -

    just wondering.

  • 17.5 inches limp

  • Well i should say it is like 10 INCHES, just to get all the women-s attention! lol But, i have had some girls get it longer than others when erect, has something to do with how much blood gets in it. My ex was curous and i was longer than her razor in the shower with some left over! lol .. so i was curious then and measured the razor! the razor came in at just less 6 (like 5 7/8) so i would be a little more than 6 1/2

  • I don-t have one.
    My boyfriends is about 6 inches though.
    Luckily he-s uncircumcised.


  • long enough to get the job done. i never had any complaints from the women i been with growing up.

  • Yes...I just starred the question to see who had the longest

  • 7 1/2. i am above normal , it-s plenty of size to take care of business, and that-s what matters most.

  • About 4 3/4 inches.

  • I-m just here to take measurement notes, ignore me

  • Longer than my pubes, except during the colder months.

  • I haven-t measured yet, any volunteers?

  • -1 centimeters

  • 5 inches.

  • 7 inches.

  • 6 inches.

  • I don-t know, can you feel me now? Good.

    Is that you Tyra?

  • Long enough to touch the floor.

  • Jeez - isn-t Oprah on or something ??

  • 6 inches and im only 13

  • 14 inches soft, is that normal?

  • 6 inches

  • 0 inches. cause I don-t have one! muahaha

  • 7 my answer lady? ;]

  • Just here to tell LeRoy...Yes, yes it is!

  • 7 ish


  • No complaints, so far.

  • 20.000 miles! flaccid

  • 6

  • 8.5

  • toooo darned big

  • longer then yours. there you happy

  • don-t mind me...i am just being nosy!!

    and i want to see how many of my male contacts answer this one!!

    How long is your penis? -