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How to make my penis grow? -

How to make my penis grow? -

It is not possible. There is surgery available that makes it appear longer by allowing more of the penis inside the body to be seen on the outside. The penis is still the same size, just more of it is visible. The same is true if a fat guy looses a lot of weight, it only appears longer....unless you are less than 2-, then doctors can -build- one but you will never father children or have the same sensation. It is -built- primarily for urination.

  • No proven way to do it. It grows throughout puberty, but after that, you have to live with what you have.

  • Nothing yet

    You can waste over $1000 trying

  • Make sure it gets plenty of water and sunshine and fertilize it twice a year.

  • ha ha thats funny

  • Let everyone play with it and it will grow.

  • Tie a lead weight to it.

  • If u r undred 18 it will grow....
    or when u see something....

  • pull on it

    How to make my penis grow? -
  • How to make the penis thick ? -

    How to make the penis thick ? -

    please help

  • a penis implant

  • Genetics have a great part in how our bodies are made, so there isn-t much that will help that will last. However, you can buy a sleeve to put over it that will help, or a good quality pump will increase the girth temporarily.

  • I have heard of taking fat from one part of the body then injecting in to penis by needle that makes it a little larger but not much because the body absorbs the fat after a while.

  • only genetics can make it thicker. What you have you cannot change. It keeps growing till you are about 20. after that what you have is what you are stuck with.
    Those guys who say they have 9 inches are just telling lies most of the time anyway

    How to make the penis thick ? -