How can i get my penis bigger? -
im not 18 yet so im not allowed to be pills so is there any other way i can make it larger
the only sure way is surgery every guy has 3 inches tucked in there an surgery will let it fly. however there are exersises that can alow more blood to fit in to the spongy tissue thus making it bigger. google penis enlargement exersizesThe most effective and safest way to get a bigger penis is with penis enlargement exercises. The idea is to gradually increase the capacity of the chambers in the penis to hold blood. The bigger the chambers are, the more blood they hold when you get an erection, and so the bigger your erect penis is.
Pills don-t work because all they do is increase the blood flow, not the amount the chambers can hold. At best all they-ll do is give you harder erections.
There-s a good site with info on all the different methods and detailed exercises at
- check it out.umm, i heard on a radio show that it still grows until like the guy-s twenty five.Sorry but no. There is jelqing, but I don-t recommend it.
It doesn-t matter though.
Unless you walk around with your dick hanging out, chicks don-t know how big you are in that area. Instead work on things they can see, like biceps and healthy and work out. this helps your body grow in general. also part of your penis is covered by fat, so althletic guys will on average be bigger than overweight guys.It-s pointless wasting your money on pills, as they are just placebos.
Be happy with what you-ve got. Learn semen retention/sexual kung fu, and it won-t matter what size you have (which you don-t say what you consider small to be in your post).Yahoo cuts my answers in half most of the time - it loses complete meaning in the process.No one can make their penis bigger:all products available are fake i dont think so
juss dont worry about it
juss let your body grow
How can i get my penis bigger? -