How do u increase penis hardness? -
It used to be real hard but lately not as hard.
you have the opportunity to find out which products Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra works the best for you because you can buy 3 or more medications in one order!
it is a lie and a myth that mens- virility last forever - don-t decline . they damn sure do. yes there are few men who stay potent thru older age, but these are called medical Anomalies and they are not the norm nor the majority of men.
I recommend several treatments with Chinese acupuncture needles. to revitalize your kidney YANG force. this will help, only short-term. also visit the websites and buy the Indian Ayurvedic natural remedies online direct from India. These can strengthen your erection and tonify your libido. But not a permanent solution.
I urge you to avoid any allopathic MD with their poison chemical drugs. use only natural remedies - acupuncture.
Remember that man-s virility - potency start at puberty - end with andropause. yes it exists. the male change of life. It is gradual and does not happen overnight - But it-s as real as real can be.
Also, it-s true that Viagra helps, even if you do get erect on your own.