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How can i enlarge my penis size ? ? -

How can i enlarge my penis size ? ? -

i m 18 and i 4.5 inch size of my dick .what can i do to increse and i m also lookinh for healthy and good answers please !

  • Same size as me @ 23. Dont worry about it. I get by fine, just stay away from the mean girls ;).

  • There really isn-t a way to enlarge your penis. The ads are all scams. there is a surgery where they cut a tendon where the top meets the pubic area, but it sounds really horrible and I wouldn-t do it unless I was smaller than 3 inches or something. Just get used to what God gave you.

  • your pee pee isn-t that small. meet a nice girl and get to know her well. if some one loves you they wont care how big it is. 4 1/2 inches could definitely get the job done. also you could try keeping your pubes trimmed because that will make your thingy look bigger.

  • Unfortunately there is no successful way to increase the length of your dick. If there was we-d all be doing it. Losing weight can help because excess fat in the pubic region can make a penis look smaller.

  • Recently I got an ebook which explains several natural exercises to increase penis size.It was very useful to me.Please contact me to get it.


    How can i enlarge my penis size ? ? -

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