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How big should my bf`s penis b? -

How big should my bf`s penis b? -

Well i am a trophy wife... dont be mean im 19 and me and my husband who is 40 are wondering if his penis is to small it is 13 inches is it too small :( HELP PLEASE thankyou

  • ummmmm... do u have like a black hole down there

  • U jerk...that boyfriend deserves much better

    How big should my bf`s penis b? -
  • How big should my penis be? -

    How big should my penis be? -

    I am a 14 year old
    how big is the average 14 year old
    and for me what is the average
    i am 5-1 and weigh approx 100lbs

  • Big enough to be useful....honestly...that-s all that counts.

  • there-s no set size dude but im about 5.6- bout average
    (im 14 as well)
    so don-t worry dude ur probably doing fine and people don-t tell him to lose weight if he-s fine with his weight then let him be!

  • there is no such average based on age, weight, size.

  • about 4 plus inches when hard

    How big should my penis be? -