How can I enlarge my penis? -
I-m 24, committed. I had sex with my girl, almost 8 times. She said that she had never felt the orgasm. Btw: When it is erect it is only 5 inches long and it is not very thick. So, what can I do? How can I enlargr it naturally, (without any medication)?
U don-t need a large penis to bring her to orgasm. 5- is OK . U need erection for sex. If adequate foreplay prepares her, she will have orgasm, no matter what size yr penis is. Talk to her, do the things she likes, try different positions, relax n enjoy without worrying about it and she will feel the orgasm, sure. Good luck!um i know that the more it is relaxed it will grow bigger but the thing is when its relaxed its a ***** so stay hard alot and whack off alotTry a magnifying glass.Sanjee has it right on the money!if u want bigger ur penis size it naturally than used the best products more information http://health-products.5gbfree.comUm well lets see hang a 80 pound dumb bell from your cock and hope for the bestI wish i could help you and give you the answer, but if I knew the answer, i would tell my husband first!!!!
How can I enlarge my penis? -