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How long is the longest penis? -

How long is the longest penis? -

Bull elephant, it-s 36 inches or sperm whale at 60 inches....

They don-t have that in the GAY bath houses do they???

  • The blue whale has the longest penis in the world.

  • Long Dong Silver is the largest I-ve ever heard of at 18inches

  • obviously not yours,your asking

  • The current biggest officially measured penis is 13.5 long and 8.5 in girth and is owned by Jonah Falcon. Many porn sites say that feature bigger ones than that but its all probably a load of crap.

  • Mine is about 14 inches long. But it doesn-t work anymore. 14 inches of limp noodle is worthless. It hangs down to my knee and just lays there.

  • I-ve heard that the largest natural penis was 14 inches. Anything longer has been with pills and/or procedures.

    How long is the longest penis? -
  • How to do the hanging towel method for my penis?step by step? -

    How to do the hanging towel method for my penis?step by step? -

    my penis is 6.2 inches long and i want it bigger and longer, but i heard the hanging towel method is a good exercise, i want to know the step by step in that method, and if theirs any other penis exercise out their good for you, what is it, and give me the step by step, thanks, please be serious.

  • learn to work with what you-ve got...6 inches isn-t bad at all

  • i cant believe u r actually putting out here the fact that ur penis is not only 6 inches but actually six POINT TWO inches. yeah, two tenths of one inch. do u have a decimal ruler, or did u do the calculation in your math class?

    on a regular ruler, that would make your penis somewhere between 6 and 1/8 inches long and 6 2/8 inches (or 6 1/4 inches) long. do u expect anybody here to believe that u measure yourself with that amount of accuracy? or are u maybe mistaken, maybe u r actually 6.3 inches? what if u r off by 1/10 of an inch? u might not get the girl u r looking for because u r only 6.2 inches long and that other guy is 6.3 inches long.

    did u measure yourself hot or cold? before or after your shower? standing or sitting? before or after your last erection? did u include any pubic hair in your calculations? and did u get a doctor to verify that u measure yourself correctly?

    geez. u must have a lot of time on your hands. or spend a lot of time with your hands on your penis. u would be better off spending time tryin to figure out how to have a nice personality to get the girl u want rather than tryin to grow your penis in decimal measurements.

    truth is, u r probably better off with a THICK penis than with a LONG one because the thicker penis is the 1 thats gonna give the girl the better orgasm.

    next time u pop this question online, why not give us the circumfrence of your penis too? u can measure it with a compass, just like in math class? and while u r at it, why not weigh it as well.. just put it on your mom-s kitchen scale.

  • oh god, get it up, drop a towel on it. hope to god it doesn-t snap.

  • you-re a little above average, be happy with it man

    How to do the hanging towel method for my penis?step by step? -
  • How do i De-sensitize my penis? -

    How do i De-sensitize my penis? -

    how can i make my penis less sensitive without circumcision to last longer

  • Well even circumcision wouldn-t make you last longer.
    That-s a myth. All it does is make sex more fustrating.

    Try holding in your orgasm as long as you can when you orgasm.
    Try the stop and go method. Get really close to orgasm but then right when you are going to, stop. Wait a minute or to and then start again and then stop again at the same point. It builds the orgasm and makes it feel AMAZING.

    Also try kegal excerises. (look it up if you don-t know what they are) they work fantastic and theyhelp you gain control.


  • Bienrad is correct.

    If you touch it often and masturbate with a lubricant it will get used to the feeling and you-ll be able to touch it all the time without that tingling painful feeling. If you can-t get any lubricant, there-s household things you can use. Hair conditioner is good, but DON-T use soap, it will amplify the painful sensitive feeling by 100. I-ll leave a website with some good information on penis sensitivity and lubricants in my source.

    Hope that helps.

  • punch them
    you can get a friend to kick u there if u want
    or piss off a girl

  • touch the head more often
    i heard that if you rub the head with baby oil everyday you will get used to the feeling

    How do i De-sensitize my penis? -
  • When people say how long their penis is, do they normally mean erect or not erect? -

    When people say how long their penis is, do they normally mean erect or not erect? -

    Most of men are interesting in having a large penis.
    That means erected, cause is when you satisfy a woman.
    They think the bigger the more pleasure women get.

  • well...................... thats a toughie. sometimes they say not erecting other times they say erecting

  • means limp and erect

  • Erect. limp length has no meaning, erect is the only way you can penetrate. Of course all men lie about height and penis length.

  • Erect, the penis length when no erect changes too much, with temperature, position, stretching, etc. while being erect it keeps normally the same size. It is important to measure it when you are already in the plateau phase of sex, not before.

  • Typically people specify. But, normally it-s an exaggeration, so they mean erect (or more than erect).

  • it depends on the guy

  • typically when guys compare size they refer to the erect length. and to measure properly lay a ruler along the top of the erect penis and measure in a straight line from the base to the tip.

  • come on...what the hell do you think.

    When people say how long their penis is, do they normally mean erect or not erect? -