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How do i get rid of a penis problem? -

How do i get rid of a penis problem? -

i have a very small skin bridge on the left side of my penis and a very big one thats about a inch big and i dont want to tear it ,im 13 almost 14 and im really freaking out and thinking about my sex life and im thinking of cutting it and can it be removed but im to embarressed to tell my parenst and a docter

  • ooh dont be embarasses there is not reason to be
    its better to deal with it now than to wait till it culd get worse or something.
    If u want u can tell ur doctor who will tell ur parents for u
    but dont stress too much just get some help

  • Well hun if you don-t get it taken care of now then it may be more severe later! I would rather be embarrassed in front of my parents one time, than be embarrassed in front of every woman that ever sees it for the rest of your life. Problems like that are common, and if it is serious and you don-t get it taken care of you may lose it! Okay, maybe that was a little overexagerated, but just tell them. Maybe just tell your Dad. He will be more comfortable talking about things like that than your mother.

    Good Luck

  • If you-re serious, you-re also right, and that would bve two in a row. It could tear during intercourse. A lot of guys have this and don-t talk about it. See a doctor. It should not be embarassing, unless you want a lady doctor, or not. A minor procedure needs to be done.

  • Don-t be embarrassed. Consult a doctor.

    Don-t cut your member. When cut, they bleed alot. Remember, this organ has a ton of blood inside of it. It could also permanently scar your family friend, and it-ll look worse than a skin bridge.

  • next time you go in for a check up with the Doc ask him about it, that way you don-t have to tell your parents about it.

  • Don-t be embarresed, tell your doctor, it will prob be better if you get this taken care of asap.

  • you must tell parents to take you to the dr.-s because it might be a serious problem!

  • LEave it mate. It will go away itself as you mature in puberty.

  • go to the doctor

  • ha ha ha ha....funny

  • Send me a pic i could help

  • tell yo docta-

    How do i get rid of a penis problem? -
  • How can i writen by penis? -

    How can i writen by penis? -

    my penis is really dark compare to by body how can i writen it? Please dont joke around i really need help

  • theres no problem

  • Don-t nude sun bath.

  • Get it exchanged for something of ur choice.

  • If you saw Borat the movie, the pix of his kid showed the same thing. I wouldn-t whiten it. Some chicks really go for the Texas Black Snake.

  • see a dermatologist

  • There is nothing safe that can change this. There are skin whitening creams, but these are essentially a bleach compound and are unsafe on the penis.

  • Tipex

  • Accept your body as it is because I bet you look fine! Most girls I know would love a penis that is darker than the rest of the body! It happens because there is more blood is a smaller space! Unlike an arm or a leg!

  • That happens sometimes. Dont worry about it and accept your body for the thing of beauty it is

  • Ask Michael Jackson.

  • No, you don-t need help. It is perfectly normal. Many guys- penises are darker, either darker brown or redder, or blacker if they are of african descent. Worry about important things. When it is put in the proper place no one can see it anyway!!

  • huh let me think...that is most guys...dont know why or how but accept your own problem

    How can i writen by penis? -
  • If a man got his penis cut off but still had his kidneys then how does he get rid of Urine? -

    If a man got his penis cut off but still had his kidneys then how does he get rid of Urine? -

    Yes very confusing maybe someone like a doctor would know or maybe someone who knows their sports science

  • it would drizzle out of whatever was left. Severe damage would require assistance you wouldn-t be able to just drizzle it out you-d have to have a tube...

  • The Urethra runs all the way from the bladder into the penis all the way to the end. So the urine would just come out the hole where the penis once was. If this actually happened to a man he would at least get some kind of corrective surgery to allow him to go to the bathroom. It is likely that he would get plastic surgery and they would build him a new penis!

  • they would insert an SPC (supra pubic catherter) through the belly button region, so u could still urinate, it similar to an IDC (indwelling catheter) but instead of going in through the penis they go in through the abdo.. hope this helps...

  • urostomy thing it where the urine drains from your side into a bag kinda like a colostomy they re route your organs inside to make it work or they work give him a super pubic foley cathiter where they put a tube directly into your bladder

  • The ureathra would still exist and be in place. Instead of running through the normal passage it would just dribble out the front. Providing nothing was blocked.

    If this didn-t work they would fit a cathadar.

  • even if a man-s penis is gone, he still has ureters, the doctors will keep it open as a urine port.. it will look like a hole in the wall.. :-)

  • because the pee tube starts at the kidneys and goes all the way down to the wiener.

  • It would come out the same way but the distance the urine travels would not be as long. The hole will still be there!

  • He doesnt get rid off urine... he is considered a dead body
    Dont try experimenting on it or you could end up in prison

  • He would squat to pee, just like all the other people that don-t have a penis!!!


  • Why on earth would you cut off your penis???????

  • cathider

  • A tube and a bag

  • wtf dude

  • how do you manage without a brain ?

    If a man got his penis cut off but still had his kidneys then how does he get rid of Urine? -
  • How can I make my penis bigger? -

    How can I make my penis bigger? -

    Nothing works:all pills and creams that promise you enhancement and bigger penises are scams
    Do not waste good money on crap.

  • There are 3 ways:

    1. Surgery - Expensive - risky
    2. Exercises - Takes a lot of time, dedication, - work
    3. Devices - You have to wear them a number of hours each day, but can deliver permanent results faster than exercises.

    I use a system which is basically the extender device combined with the exercises. You can find exercises free but you will not get the results you want. You need to know different exercises, how to do them right, - have established routines for good gains.

    Check in my profile for what I use. I have gained permanent size. With a great device/system - gains of up to 30% can be made. Don-t listen to all of the people who say -It can-t be done-. I-ll bet that none of them have tried an extender device.

  • i found this thing on the internet..its totally free..theres no pills, creme, pump, or surgery involved. its exercises for you penis and it only takes about 20-30 minutes a day to do. google penis exercises

  • No not really

    Pills and pumps dont work

    Surgery carries risks and may not work anyway

    Just be happy with what you have

  • Once you are fully grown, I don-t think you can make it bigger.

  • Belt sander.

  • get an erection

  • you cant

  • well, I dunno

    How can I make my penis bigger? -
  • Alright... everyone is always asking about penis size...but how do you measure it? -

    Alright... everyone is always asking about penis size...but how do you measure it? -

    I-m always confused. Where do I start the ruler and where do I stop? At the bottom of the balls? At the base of the shaft? Where?

  • Hahaha, it-s funny how people ask for your penis size, but when it comes to when it matters, no ones cares.

    Your girlfriend isn-t going to care how big your penis is.

    This is when the quote you-ve been hearing ever since you were a little boy comes in.
    -Size does not matter.-

  • wtf ?

  • Dude, only sad people measure it.

  • At the base, I suppose.

    Those people really need to find a hobby other than asking about your size. Geez, what a question to ask someone!

  • OH... So that-s why all the 14 year olds on here think they have a 12- penis when they-ve just got out the shower????
    I generally measure mine by laying the ruler from my flat belly to the tip when aroused, though not habitually ;-)
    If I am not aroused, I generally burst out crying rather impressively, whilst begging for an attention.
    Circumference is also a measurement to be taken seriously, but does not involve aforesaid ruler unless you have a Biro to hand to mark the start and finish point.
    Drawing a pair of eyes and a wicked willy grin is optional.

  • uhhh, well, hmmm, u see...measure it how u want to...or you could make up a number like a lot of other guys do.

  • why r u messuring anyway r u insucure or something but i-d start at the balls

  • When you are erect, place the ruler at the point where the penis connects to the body and measure from there until the penis stops.

    My penis is about 5 1/2 inches long.

    You seem like an interesting guy!
    Would you like to talk?
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    Hit me up!

  • your two inches are fine stop stressing

  • with a ruler

  • Well if you poke that ruler all the way back up under your taint then your cheating ! It-s just the twig within eyesight not including the berries.

  • from body along top to tip

  • hahaha! this is funny im sorry.
    you measure it at the base of the shaft to the tip of it when its hard. lol and im a girl! hahaha.

  • I hope you are not trying to put your balls inside. If you are, I would suggest stopping. Why are you concerned about the length? Don-t worry... just have fun and make sure your partner is having fun.

  • idk

  • are you totally retarded?

  • i cant believe guys even do that..............make sure to throw the ruler away after that ok

  • lmao wouldnt it be at the base? put the ruler where you think it starts...or stops whichever way you look at it.

  • ok you start on the upper side of your penis where it meets with your body, and you measure it all the way down to the tip go measure...what size r u ? ;-)

  • shaft to the head?
    are you gay

  • wtf...who knows

  • You must be an engineer.

  • While it is erect, place the ruler on top of the shaft. The measurement is where the tip of the head reaches on the ruler.

    Alright... everyone is always asking about penis size...but how do you measure it? -