Can a person increase his penis size if yes how? -
cansmall size penis create problems
The exercises must be done for a long period of time for the results to kick in and stay there. Consistency is key.
Penis enlargement pills do NOT work.
Just as you can build your muscles, so can you build and stretch your penis. Just don-t expect miracles, jelqing will only add an inch or so. 2 inches if your lucky and have done the exercises daily for more than a year. So you see, it takes time and dedication.
Pumping can add girth, but this is a dangerous method and can break capillaries in the penis.
It-s the same with penis size to women.
A very small percentage of women orgasm through penetrative sex, but even the ones who do orgasm - the penis only needs to be 2 or 3 inches long to make a woman orgasm.
The only way to increase penis size is by operation - which makes almost no difference at all, or using that horrid pump thing which makes it look hideous.
The best advice you can be given is that you do not have to worry about your size because if that is your only problem then you are a lucky man :)
I don-t know any women that wouldn-t have sex with a man who considers their penis small.
There are some products which claim to be able to increase the size of a person-s penis, (such as the ones you get in spam emails) but there is absolutely no scientific evidence that any of these work.
I would say that that the only major problems a small penis would cause are inside you own head. And it probably isn-t quite as small as you think it is.
If you-re in a relationship with somebody who loves you then they really aren-t going to be too bothered about what size it is. Any person worth knowing would be able to look deeper than that.
Whatever you don-t compare yourself to the men in porn films. They are in them for a reason. And that is that they have abnormally large penises.
The best advice that I or anyone else can give you is to be happy with what you-ve got and who you are!
1 its the medical way...there are pills with this purpose exactlly,you talk to your doctor and he ll recomand you what suits you best
2 its the mecanical way...there is a pump you can buy and you mount it on your penis and it will get longer if you use it often enough
3 and the one i really recommend is you start a sport...when you exercise your body produces more cells to develop your body including the size of your penis.
i hope that was helpful
I don-t know..I keep seeing this commercial late at night for a product called -Extenz- they say they will send you a weeks worth for free for the price of a postage stamp. sounds weird to are most likely fine just the way you are.
It-s not the mostly a man and his charisma that do the trick!
It will not create problems at all:just use it really well.
its how a man uses it, not the size