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How come i have two penis holes? -

How come i have two penis holes? -

i was thinking of cutting it with a razor open to make one hole.
should work right?

  • so big deal like are you bragging or what its no big deal
    I have three penis holes and I am a girl so there

  • I think that if it doesn-t hurt you shouldn-t worry too much. the aesthetics of a penis is not that big anyway so the important thing is that its purposes are accomplished being it urinate or satisfy your other needs.
    As for cutting it yourself don-t mutilate your body. You could get a serious injury, infection and cut out important stuff making you somehow disabled sexually or sterilize yourself.
    If you should get only one hole go to an obstetrician and check out the options they have to offer. This is one of the most sensitive areas of the human body. Don-t play around with dangerous stuff.
    I think you agree better like that then infected.

  • your a pervert!..but yeah a razor would might bleed alittle so make sure you have bandages on hand..j/k..its a condition, some guys have it some don-t..but its not harmful to you..most likely the dr will tell you to leave it be..besides thats probably what the porn stars have...

  • I hope you are being serious and not trying to waste my time...

    If you have two penis holes then i would have to tell you i-m rather shocked to hear that.

    You just might want to see a doctor about that.

    And fyi, i advise no cutting just yet.


  • what the hell are you smoking. that-s the stupidest idea i-ve heard all day. not saying of all time becuase i-ve heard some pretty bad stuff but it-s up there. Yeah, lets cut our penis like a total moron and then tell me how sex feels.

  • Uhm, you have two holes because you-re that new kind of man - the SUPER DUPER KIND. next, you-ll sprout another penis. this way you can **** two girls at once.

    It-s great. we have a club and everything.

  • GO to the doctor-s office immiediatly...dont do anything you dont know and that might hurt yourself and plz idt you can have u holes.

  • So I guess no matter how hard you always miss somehow right? Maybe you should sow one hole up, cuz nobody likes a scabbed penis hole, well at least everybody I know.

  • if this is a serious question u really should have it checked out by a doctor and let them decide what your options could be to fix it.

  • do NOT cut your penis . it will make it worse and can kill you . visit a doctor immediately .

  • okay you have to be careful just incase there are two tubes and you seriously injure yourself.

  • Get your self a nice sharp razor and slice away.

  • Only one way to find out.

  • Yep, use a razor, that way you don-t reproduce...

  • uhhhh most answers i have xpierience with except this one... definatly dont make one hole out of 2 it would hurt

  • that sounds completely logical. i think your on to something!

  • Hit it with a hammer.

  • get a chainsaw and do it like ash does it in evil dead

  • yup razor will be ok

  • sounds good. nympho

  • what the fucccckkkkk

  • wtf ?

    How come i have two penis holes? -