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How to clean Uncircumcised Penis? -

How to clean Uncircumcised Penis? -

Hey, i have an Uncircumcised penis, and i really want to know how to clean it. I have tried soap and water when i am in the shower but when ever i pull it back even a little it hurts soo much. And i tried to put soap on it and it burned like an asshole :(. Any suggestions?

  • Stretch it gently a little bit each day until it loosens up enough to move easily. This might take a few weeks.

    It-ll be very sensitive in there at first, until the -inside- parts get used to being touched on a regular basis. After a while you-ll be able to roll it back and forth easily and it-ll feel pretty amazingly good.

    Once you-ve achieved full mobility, washing is easy, just roll it back. Until then, don-t worry about washing, just work on stretching.

    If you-re not making any progress with the stretching after a week or two, see a doctor for some -beta methasone- cream. This is prescription-only but it-ll help your skin stretch.

    Whatever happens, you don-t need a circumcision. Even if your skin proves to be unstretchable (very rare but happens sometimes), there are some very simple treatments that can loosen it up without removing all the fun parts. If your doctor recommends circumcision, find another doctor! Many in the US don-t know how to care for a foreskin and just want to cut it off, so find a doctor who trained in Europe.

  • Nick it sounds like when you pull the skin back it hurts you could have phimosis the opening of the skin is not big enough to allow your head to come out you need to keep trying to pull back the skin every day in the shower so that it will eventually move back and forth freely that is the goal

    using soap and water is how you clean it and rinse it good

    uncut dude

  • your skin might be tight, look up foreskin/frenulum stretching excercises on the net so your skin loosens up and retracts w no pain

    to wash takes 2 seconds:
    pull skin back
    rinse head under warm water while rubbing the head with your hand (never use soap)
    and make sure you dry the penis head very well before letting the skin back down

    NO, circumcision is NOT necessary, all circumcision will do is give your penis an ugly scar and dry the penis, sometimes leading to complications, circumcision is NOT hygienic, showers are.

  • Dunno, I-m circumcised.

  • to avoid problems like that
    better got circumcized already
    or you would risk health problems resulted by uncircumcision

  • Try not using soap. If that doesn-t work go to the doctor, you might have an infection or your foreskin might be too tight.

  • i gently pull mine back and lightly wash it with water. you may have to see a doctor if you cant pull your foreskin back.

  • Use a q-tip with some baby oil:that way it will not hurt

  • just use soap and water.

  • Seriously, Andrew is right. as cleanliness is easy for a circumcised man. And you will find most girls prefer a guy to be circumcised - an added bonus!

    How to clean Uncircumcised Penis? -
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