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How big is the worlds biggest human penis? -

How big is the worlds biggest human penis? -

who has the biggest human penis and how big is it?

  • Magic Johnson has it

  • Who has thickest penis in porn? Doesporn amke your dick bigge? How has the bigest dick in porn? Wha porn star has the biggest dick? ...
    Jonah Falcon maybe.

  • That-s a very good question. Penises tend to differ in size and shape depending on race, gender, and external influences. When the male penis is aroused it undergoes something called an erection. During the erection the male-s penis fills with blood and expands to several times its normal size. To the first answerer, I would say that 13.5 inches is not a realistic size. The entire penis must be filled with blood and the poor bloke would have not enough blood left to supply nourishment to the heart and brain. The logistics of it are just unreasonable. Anyway, the important thing to remember is that it-s not the size of your genitals that counts, it-s the personality to which those genitals belong which will get you far in life. The problem is your focusing on the things in life that don-t really matter. When I was a kid I had hopes and dreams. We all did. But over time, the daily grind gets in the way and you miss the things that really matter, even though they are right in front of you, staring you in the face. I think the next time you should ask yourself -Am I on the right track here?-. I don-t mean to be rude but people like you I really pity. So maybe you could use the few brain cells you have and take advantage of the knowledge I have given you now. Good luck.

  • Magic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penisMagic Johnson has the biggest penis

  • Magic Johnson. You kiddin me? It-s magic!

    How big is it? Well, lemme just say that if he turkey slapped you, you would not land for a week and a day.

  • Pretty sure Magic Johnson-s Johnson is magically large.

  • I asked my sister and my mom, and both said -Magic Johnson- then their eyes sort of went blank like they were daydreaming.

  • Last time I checked, Magic Johnson had the biggest penis

  • Studies have proven that Magic Johnson does indeed have the world-s largest penis. It is immeasurable.

  • Magic Johnson.......Damn He has one Huge Peen. Btw, do you like Ebaumsworld? Ebaumsworld is awesome

  • definitely Magic Johnson-s. each time i see it i-m always awed. every time it-s just so big

  • Magic Johnson has the biggest human penis in the world.

  • Magic Johnson-s penis holds the record last I heard

  • Earvin -Magic- Johnson

  • Magic Johnson, without question. Everybody-s afraid to measure it though.

  • Pretty sure Magic Johnson has the biggest penis possible, Iv seen it

  • Pretty sure Magic Johnson has the worlds largest penis.

  • As far as I can remember, Magic Johnson has the biggest, in both girth and length.

  • 13.5 inches in the U.K.
    (Check for largest penis)

  • Magic Johnson has the biggest penis, without question

  • I think Magic Johnson has the longest penis.

  • Magic Johnson has the biggest penis, no question

  • Magic Johnson has the biggest penis

  • Magic Johnson has the biggest penis

  • Magic Johnson. I thought it was a third leg when I first saw it.

  • I have the biggest penis in the world

  • Magic Johnson has the larget penis in the world.

  • It really does belong to Magic Johnson.

  • Magic Johnson has the biggest penis. This is a well known fact.

  • magic johnson has the biggest penis

  • Magic Johnson

  • I-m pretty sure that record belongs to Magic Johnson.

    How big is the worlds biggest human penis? -
  • How can a male increase intercourse capablity? how can penis erection last longer for intercourse? -

    How can a male increase intercourse capablity? how can penis erection last longer for intercourse? -

    my husband changes positions and will spend a lot of time on me orally which takes the pressure off of him to stay hard longer

    basically he gets me off first so he can just enjoy himself and not worry about staying until I come (since I already have)

  • slow and steady wins the race.
    don-t get too much excited, that-s the only solution.

  • viagra =X

  • Yohimbe is supposed to. Never tired it myself though

    BE CAREFUL with yohimbe if you have a heart condition/high blood pressure.

  • it can be increased by gradually doing the sex and not very harshly . if u feel than u can also try for pressing the left side of the penis near the balls on the inflated vein . that u will be able to feel when ever u feel like coing . stop for a min and start again

    How can a male increase intercourse capablity? how can penis erection last longer for intercourse? -
  • How can you increase the size of your penis in every size? -

    How can you increase the size of your penis in every size? -

    dude just wear boxers and let your dick relax it will seem bigger and ur gf will liek it my gf says it looks betetr in boxers

  • The ONLY way you can increase the size of your penis is through surgery. This is usually accomplished by grafting cadaverous tissue to the shaft of your penis giving you about an extra inch in girth and then the suspensory ligament is severed, which is the ligament that attaches to your pubic bone and is responsible for making your making your penis -stand up- while you-re erect and that will give you an extra inch. After all that, you-ll need to hang weights from your penis; I think they-re about five pounds, just so you can get that extra inch. If you-re willing to go through all that, make an appointment with your urologist to discuss treatment options and costs; since this type of surgery is elective and usually isn-t covered by most medical insurance policies.

  • Tie the head up with a rope and the other end of the rope to a truck, make sure you have a circus midget driving have him put it in gear and push the pedal to the medal, if you survive put about 5 ounces of Bump Fighter on the tip of it and watch it grow.

  • if you-re young, you just wait. It may or may not grow larger.

    No pills, creams, pumps,exercises, etc. is gonna change what you have. Genetics determined that. And very few guys are porn star hung. Most guys are just...............-average-

  • your penis is a muscle. so if your exercise it. it will get bigger. therefore try and give it a workout

  • I like Emily As way of thinking. It won-t work but you-ll have fun -exercising-

  • Plastic surgery.


    How can you increase the size of your penis in every size? -
  • How can i make my penis longer and thicker in a natural way??? -

    How can i make my penis longer and thicker in a natural way??? -

    i have 11 inch penis want to make it longer

  • Have a horse c*** transplant, dick weed!!

  • Yeah right...


  • Try to get more information about penis articles and advice at my profile.

  • you have touch your penis anytime to longer and do exercise to your penis okeeeeeeeeeeeee

    How can i make my penis longer and thicker in a natural way??? -
  • How to maintain erection of penis during sex for a long? -

    How to maintain erection of penis during sex for a long? -

    You are perfectly normal! Generally, boys begin puberty around 14 or 15 years old; though everyone is different since puberty is brought on by cells, genes, DNA, chromosones, hormones, etc.
    Having no hair except on your testes is a --starter sign;-- your body is likely preparing to go through puberty soon, a process that, for males can take a good 6 plus years.

    If you wake up at night and find your sheets wet, you may not have wet the bed. You may have had an erection while sleeping, known as a --wet dream-- or nocturnal emission.
    These are common, healthy, normal reactions for your body as it is evidence certain chemicals in your body are working. A particular gas is needed in the bloodstream in order to signal the penis to become erect. Testosterone, a hormone responsible for many of your bodily changes, is very active at night, and a full bladder, a vivid nightmare, can help cause an erection.

    If you are near other males and find you have erections - and males can have up to 20 a day in the beginning stages - don-t sweat it. It isn-t sexual. Your penis is reacting to biochemical processes in your body.

    You may be a --late bloomer.-- I began growing beasts at 10. My period came at 12. But a friend didn-t grow breasts until she was 15, but mensturated at the same time.

    If you notice your armpits smell or feel wet, or that your face seems to be more oily, this is due to the mainly male hormone androgens, the male sex hormones. They trigger a myraid of responses. One is for the pores oil glands to produce more oil, also called sebum. More oil is produced in the armpit area, and is odourless, but when it comes into contact with other bacteria, it is sweat and will smell.

    Facial hair....beard-like facial hair does not really come into being until males are between 17-24, from my observations.
    With putery, you will notice several changes, some may begin and finish in a few months; others take years.

    Believe it or not, your testes, penis and scrotum have likely grown in size the last couple of years. The scrotum and testes may become looser, thinner, darker and redder in colour.

    A major rush of the female hormone estrogen will cause you to undergo a growth spurt. Your feet will seem bigger first, as the bones and muscles in the feet and hands grow and muscle is built. The upper arm and leg bones, then the shoulders broaden. You may also find your waist getting leaner or wider as fat and muscle are re-deposited in areas of your body. Your entire skeleton will grow over the years.

    Between 12-14, the penis becomes longer and you might notice that one teste is lower than the other - this is good because it means you will be able to walk and run more comfortably. Eventually, on areas of the scrotum and penis, you may see little dots. These are either --baby-- follicles, where pubic hair will be or a approcine gland, a type of sexual gland responsible for the oil and musky smell the genitals will give off.

    Armpit hair shows. You may get a few, dark, long curly chest hairs or hair may grow a bit on your inner thighs or lower buttocks and anus. Depending on genes, you could have a fairly hairless chest to a lot of chest or beard hair.

    Start masturbating. Masturbating reduces stress and reduces the incidence of prostate cancer in men. Masturbation is healthy, common and normal. When you first experience --real-- ejaculations, it might seem overwhelming; semen is coming out of ducts for the first time and there might be a lot of it. If this happens, congratulate yourself, feel proud, clean up or put the sheets in the laundry and go about your day.

    Between 13-15 is when you will likely grow the tallest you will be - and chances are you won-t even notice. Your voice may crack as your vocal cords and box enlarge around 14-15. Your reproductive organs will be fully functional by 15-16.

    At 15-18, some things slow down. Like how many inches you grow, the penis will be its full grown size both while erect and not erect. SIZE DOES NOT MATTER. Most women truly don-t care.

    In your early 20-s, your muscle mass will have increased by about 50%. Pubic and body hair will still continue to grow around the genitals, chest, back and face and chin area.

    And you don-t have to --be a man-- - it takes classy courage to walk away than show your fists - even if testosterone is screaming --I want to fight, man!--

    You will be alright, dude. You-re you. And that-s normal

  • go to one of the sex toy stores and purchase a penis ring. It goes around the base of the penis and fits tight to hold the blood in and keep it up.

  • think of things that has nuttin to do bout sex like an apple or.....french fries..u know...but dont let it over do cuz u dont want it going soft

  • Focus on something else.

    How to maintain erection of penis during sex for a long? -