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How much hair should a 12 year old have around his penis? -

How much hair should a 12 year old have around his penis? -

enough to braid it and put little beads in...

  • Who knows- varies depending on how fast you are going through puberty- some may be bald as an egg, others may have a couple of hairs and some may have a decent patch already growing-- guys develop differently and lots of differences especially at that age. Best to ask an older brother or cousin for a closer approximation, since your friends are not relatives and won-t have the same genetics.

  • i had a whole bush down there bcuz i started puberty when i was 8 im 16 going on 17 and i would be able to brade my hair by now but i trim it bcuz it makes ur dick true size come out have questions email me


    at fourtheen i didnt count my pubes... soo i dont really know.. but i think you should have arround 50 too 100 you should count :p

  • it all depends. every person is different

  • LOL. he should have 14 strands of hair.

    How much hair should a 12 year old have around his penis? -
  • How can i seperate my glans from the bottom of my penis? -

    How can i seperate my glans from the bottom of my penis? -

    when i pull back my penis i realise that on the left side of my penis that the glands are still stuck on the bottom of my penis.

    i looked at some websites and they say try to seperate them everytime i try to do it it hurts and my penis goes a dark red.

    any ideas how to do it properly and without it hurting???

  • It-s not actually necessary to separate them, it-s purely cosmetic. It-s not actually 100% necessary to pull the foreskin back at all. Really, my friend, if it hurts, don-t do it. :P It sounds simple, but that-s pretty much how it works with penises.

    But if you really want to, you can go to a doctor and they can do it for you, and give you pain suppressors. That-s the only -real- way to get it done. Otherwise you run risk of infection or a multitude of other things.

  • Keep masturbating regularly and washing the areas that you can wash. Over time it will almost certainly loosen and detach by itself. Stop trying to force it, which is NOT good for you. If it does not separate within a few months, see your doctor. He will take care of it.

    Kind thoughts,


  • James get a prescription form the doctor to help with the process. He will give you a cream to apply before stretching it, and best advise you as steps to take. I done mine my self, it hurt, but today i have no problems what so ever. Good Luck! Steve

  • Well, my advice would be, don-t do it.

  • Yust one good hard YANK!

    How can i seperate my glans from the bottom of my penis? -
  • Tiny penis? big penis? how can i make it bigger while being erect? -

    Tiny penis? big penis? how can i make it bigger while being erect? -

    How can i get my penis to its biggest? any special tips or hints? i want to see how big i can get it..i dont think its very big so i want to see how big i can get it before i start to freak out.
    Yesterday it was a little over 6 inches but today it was only around 5.5 inches...this leads my to believe that i might be able to get it bigger!! that would be awesome and i would feel alot better haha.
    so anyways that i can get it bigger?
    And do you think i have a small penis? so far the only time ive checked it was a little bigger then 6 inches but a little smaller then 6.5
    how big are you?
    dont lie please...dont be mean...

    Im also 17 so take that into consideration please. Do you think it will get bigger by say...senior year? i have only been 17 for one month.
    But whats up? can i make it i small? am i big? i am very curious.
    Thanks so much everyone!

  • it not the size that counts it how u sastify with it

  • i think u should go to sleep earlier then wat u do
    remember its testosterone(if i spelled it right)dats builds a boy into a man during puberty

  • im only 14 and my penis size is around 5.5 and i think its small.. theres some medicine that enlarges it aka extense i would just try tryping stuff in google and look around because u probably wont get many ideas or suggestions... and it doesnt really matter how big it is its how u use it the top 2/3rds of the vagina is not as much feeling as the bottom part so that has something 2 do with it too and 5.5 to 6 is average size and ur only 17 u grow until ur 21 so u still have growing to do and dont ask how i know so much lol

  • I think your answer can be found in this blog

  • i have a 8 inch penis and im proud but you should use a penis pump or pills i dont know im not gay

  • ppl say that thats a decent size but im 13 and 6 joke but yeah most ppl say thats will prolly keep growing for a lil bit....

  • Sorry, you have a small penis. How you use it helps, but size does matter. That is to say, I-ve always enjoyed a big dick whenever I got the chance. But if you-re horny, pretty much anything will do.

  • so take this info i just got here...or you can also go to this site

    Penis-enlargement products and procedures aren-t difficult to find. Men-s magazines, sports radio shows and Internet sites are filled with ads for pumps, pills, weights, exercises and surgeries �� many of which claim to increase the length and girth of your penis.

    There are plenty of opportunists trying to convince you that your penis is too small �� and they are often promoting just the miracle solution to fix it. These solicitations are based on stereotypes about men-s insecurities.

    If you are like the vast majority of men who wonder if their penis size is normal, the answer is �� yes. While some men do fall for the hype and are looking for a way to enlarge their penis, it generally isn-t a good idea. No scientific research supports the use of any nonsurgical method to enlarge the penis �� and no reputable medical society endorses penis-enlargement surgery performed for purely cosmetic reasons. Because many of these techniques can damage your penis and some may even cause impotence, think twice before trying any of them.

    Penis size: What-s normal, what-s not?

    Most likely, your size is within the normal range. Studies show the average penis measures between 3 and 4 inches when flaccid and between 5 and 7 inches when erect. A penis is considered abnormally small only if it measures less than 3 inches when erect (a condition called micropenis) �� but even then, researchers have documented many cases in which men with micropenises have been fully capable of having satisfactory sex and fathering children.

    Most men who think their penis is abnormally small actually have normal-sized penises. In recent studies, hundreds of men who sought the advice of their doctor because of concern about the size of their penis all had penises that measured in the normal range.

    How partners view penis size

    Advertisers would have you believe that your partner cares deeply about penis size. While some women say it matters, most women say size is unimportant. Advertisements would also have you believe that gay men are obsessed with penis size. But in most cases, penis size is a matter of personal preference for both you and your partner.

    A penis that is too big may not be an advantage during sex. During intercourse, the tip of a long penis can strike a woman-s cervix and cause pain for a woman. And most of the sensitive nerves of the vagina are located close to the opening �� where penis length isn-t an issue. If your partner suggests your penis is too small, discuss creative ways to deliver sexual satisfaction.

    Unless your partner tells you otherwise, assume that you-re fine just the way you are. Understanding your partner-s physical and emotional needs and desires is much more likely to improve your sexual relationship than trying to change the size of your penis.

    Be wary of penis enlargement techniques

    Marketers offer many different types of nonsurgical penis enlargement, and often promote them with serious-looking advertisements that include endorsements from -scientific- researchers.

    But if you look and read closely, you-ll see that claims of safety and effectiveness are groundless. No reputable scientific research validates any type of nonsurgical penis enlargement, so marketers rely on testimonials, skewed data and before-and-after photos that often aren-t authentic.

    At the bottom of such advertisements, you-ll usually find a sentence such as -These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).- Indeed, the FDA, the government agency that regulates medications and medical devices, has never approved any medications or devices for enlarging a penis.

    Be wary of these common and ineffective penis enlargement techniques, some of which can result in serious damage:

    Manual squeezing exercises (jelquing). These exercises, which use a hand-over-hand motion to push blood from the base to the head of a semierect penis, are supposed to be performed on a regular basis. Although this technique may be safer than other methods, it can lead to scar formation, pain and disfigurement. There are no scientific studies that indicate this technique is effective at increasing penis size.
    Stretching with weights. This technique, which involves wearing weights on the flaccid penis, may cause permanent penile damage. There-s no scientific evidence that this technique increases penis size.
    Vacuum pumps. Because pumps draw blood into the penis and make it swell, they-re useful in the treatment of impotence (erectile dysfunction). This may create an illusion of a larger penis, but results are seldom permanent. Repeated use can damage elastic tissue in the penis, leading to less-firm erections.
    Pills and lotions. These usually contain vitamins, minerals, herbs or hormones such as testosterone that claim to enlarge the penis. None of these products has been shown to be effective.

    Surgical methods of penis enlargement �� not for cosmetic use

    Some surgeons have developed several different enlargement techniques, none of them endorsed by medical organizations. The American Urological Association, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons(ASPS) have all issued policy statements against cosmetic surgical procedures to enhance the penis.

    A few different techniques are used to lengthen a penis. All of them are experimental. There aren-t enough studies of penis augmentation surgery to give an accurate picture of results and risks of complications.

    One procedure to lengthen the penis involves severing the suspensory ligament that attaches the penis to the pubic bone and moving skin from the abdomen to the penile shaft. When this ligament is cut, the penis may look longer because more of it hangs down. But cutting the suspensory ligament can cause an erect penis to be unstable and position itself at odd angles, particularly when erect.

    Another operation advances a skin flap from the pubic area onto the penis. This procedure can lead to severe deformities, such as hair growth on the base of the penis, scarring and other problems.

    Some procedures to make the penis thicker involve suctioning fat from a fleshy part of the body and injecting the fat into the penis. Another technique is simply to graft fat cut away from the buttocks or abdomen onto the penile shaft. Some practitioners use tissue from cadavers.

    None of these techniques has been proved to be safe or effective. The ASPS considers injecting fat into the penis of unproven benefit and unknown safety. Potential risks of these techniques include infection, loss of sensation in the skin, excessive bleeding and loss of penile function. While this may increase penis girth, the body can reabsorb the fat over time and cause an irregular contour to the penis. In one study, less than a third of the injected fat remained after one year following injection.

    When the suspensory ligament is cut, the penis may look longer because more of it hangs outside the body.

    Surgery is risky, costly and unlikely to produce satisfactory results

    Studies have shown that the majority of men who undergo penis enlargement surgery aren-t satisfied with the results. Surgery may at best add an average of half an inch to the length of the flaccid penis. Surgery may not add any length to the erect penis.

    Following various types of cosmetic penile enhancement surgery, some men have had to undergo additional operations to correct deformities caused by the original procedure. The ill effects include scarring, a shorter penis, hair on the base of the penis, a low-hanging penis, loss of sensitivity and abnormal fat lumps. Other complaints include impotence (erectile dysfunction), urinary incontinence and persistent pain.

    Then there-s the cost: as much as $10,000 for a typical penis-enlargement surgery that doesn-t require additional corrective surgery. Because cosmetic surgery is seldom covered by insurance, you-ll likely have to bear the entire expense.

    When surgery may be an option

    There are procedures for reconstructing penises that have been amputated or damaged by circumcisions, animal bites, motor vehicle accidents and physical assaults, among other causes. A penis can be constructed in sex-change operations and to correct birth defects.

    A few things that might help?

    While there is no safe, effective way to enlarge your penis, there are a few things you can do if you-re concerned about your penis size:

    Communicate with your partner. It may be hard to break old habits or to have an open dialogue about you and your partner-s sexual preferences. But you-ll be glad you did �� and you may be surprised at the spark it puts back in your sex life.
    Get in shape. Enhance your appearance in other ways. Regular exercise can make a big difference. Better physical conditioning may not only make you look better, it can also give you more strength and endurance during sex.
    Lose the belly. The place that size might help the most is less belly �� not more penis. If your lower abdomen hangs over your genitalia, you might look as if you have a shorter, smaller penis than you actually do. Fat can obscure some or much of the upper part of the penis. For this, the best treatment is to achieve a healthy weight.
    Trim your pubic hair. A lot of pubic hair around the base of your penis can make your penis look shorter. Trimming may not only make your penis look bigger but may also increase sensitivity around the base of your penis.
    Talk to your doctor or a counselor. Feeling unhappy about the size of your penis is a common problem. A certified counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist or your family doctor can help. Many men feel better with reassurance th

    Tiny penis? big penis? how can i make it bigger while being erect? -
  • I wear joe boxer thongs and shave my penis how many other guys like this.? -

    I wear joe boxer thongs and shave my penis how many other guys like this.? -


  • See the Thong Wearers Message Board ( google it ) for serious answers.

  • I like -em - just make sure you don-t put -em on backwards!

  • I don-t think I-ve ever used the word thong in a sentence about guys.....never again.

  • I didnt know joe boxer made thongs...

  • are you gay???

  • i love it so much

  • umm i dont wear thongs but i do shave my penis
    hey email me at

    I wear joe boxer thongs and shave my penis how many other guys like this.? -