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Any ideas on how to make ur penis bigger??? -

Any ideas on how to make ur penis bigger??? -

withought a pump, pills or surgery????

  • Size does not really matters,what matters is the way you use it!

  • Unfortunetly there is no way to make it grow if you are still in puberty then it may still grow some I heard but have no proof to back up that the more you sleep the more it grows(when you are in puberty the time when it-s growing) I-m sure you-re an average or plus length already anyways.

    Any ideas on how to make ur penis bigger??? -
  • How can i make a Model of my penis? -

    How can i make a Model of my penis? -

    haha! you-re going to make a dildo of your penis to use it on yourself aren-t you?


  • dude get a life

  • The actually sell a kit on Ebay to make a dildo of your own penis!

  • thats a bit creepy but ok do what he said
    / \

  • stick it in a blender

  • omg if u do make a dildo of urself and use it on urself...that-d be soooo hot

    mmmm turning me on

  • cover it in plaster then remove it then fill with ballisticks jell

    How can i make a Model of my penis? -
  • My penis is curved how do i correct it, and how much will it cost if i do? -

    My penis is curved how do i correct it, and how much will it cost if i do? -

    my penis is curved pretty drastically to the left, i have no idea why, and i cant get very strong erections, also when i make out, or go farther with my girlfriend i get premature ejaculations, what are some fixes to my penis being curved, and how much would they cost

  • Severe curvature of the penis is called peyronies. Reasearched that a little; if you think you have it, see a doctor.
    A bit of curve is often normal though. Almost all men have a slight curve.
    And premature ejaculations have nothing to do with the curvature.

  • This is sometimes caused by a vitamin deficiency. Since your curve is drastic you will need to see a urologist to get it fixed at this point. Premature ejaculation is a different issue that is not related to the curve. The same urologist can help you with that too.

  • its natural, and a lot of people have curves. i myself don-t, but there isn-t anything wrong with them and you don-t need to have surgery to fix it. Just be comfortable with what you do got man! good luck

  • its natural, ur dick has parts grow faster, you should get evened out a little bit when ur done growing but theres not much you can do

  • does she have sexxx with you upwards driving your peniiis up. that may be why

  • sorry about your luck man.....

  • i dont think thees any surgey for that !

  • I have one that twists like a pretzel when it gets erect. lol

  • well it-s nothing, I-ll give you a page about this if you email me at

    My penis is curved how do i correct it, and how much will it cost if i do? -
  • How free can your penis move when erect ? -

    How free can your penis move when erect ? -

    my penis is a little bit stiff when erect , the angle is normal but dosn-t move easly , i dont now if anyone have any similar experience and does that make your sex life worse

  • its supposed to be stiff when erect, and it only moves if your whole body moves

  • It doesn-t make it worse, it is normal. But you can actually exercise your penis muscles. If you flex your muscle down their you might notice your penis jumps a little. Well if you were to exercise that muscle, you could flex while inside your -other.- And they really like that. Alternatively you could also practice -hold i(not going pee)- and that will slowly build up that muscle.

  • yeah i have the same problem , what it is , is paranexlistic disorder , in a simpler term ,it wont move , see a penis needs to be SEMI erect for sex , and when it goes fully hard , it can cause serious problems , get to ur GP get it checked out ASAP !!!!!

    Hope this helps

    LMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;]

  • Not worse, it makes it better. Very normal to have stiff erection, otherwise it could not do as well for the intended purpose.

  • your penis is a bit stiff when erect???

    That-s the point of an erection.

    Not sure about you...but mine can get pretty hard. And does not move very easy.

  • Be careful you can break your penis

  • Perfectly Normal
    if u hav any questions e-mail me

  • It isnt supposed to move easily

  • mine-s at a 65 degree upward angle, not a lot of movement when it-s hard

  • I move it freely when erect (up, down, etc). But it cannot -bent-.

  • it will be fine. I mean, it-s not going to jump through hoops (Ok, it-s going to jump through one hoop in particular)

  • dont push down it will cause damage

    How free can your penis move when erect ? -
  • How big should a 14 year old penis be? -

    How big should a 14 year old penis be? -

    i am 14 going on 15 the last time i measured my self i was 5 in can somebody tell me if that is were i should be........please dont say enything stupid or tell me that i should not be worrying about it

  • Good size.

  • lol im the same age mines 7.5 and im only 5 feet so it just hangs down there but the avarage is 4 inches

  • as big as mine

    4-5 inches!


  • im really sick of answering these questions people should always search there questions before they ask. theres no need to waste 5 points. bout 4inches. but the real reason im answering this question is i feel i need to point out that the kid who says his penis is 7.5in is completely lying. hes 13. his penis may be that big some day but its not now. my reason to believe this is that he talks about how it hangs down because its so big. i dont think u asked how his d*ck hangs in his pants. no one wanted to no that douche bag. the only reason he said that is so that people would think he had a big penis. his plan back fired.

  • hey im 14 and goin to be in 15 in august, i measured my self and i was 5 3/4 inches long and 2 inches wide. so ur normal :) .

  • i am so illegal for this...sorry..

  • You are normal sized.

  • 18 inches, not an inch more or an inch less.

  • Just be patient boy, you-re still growin, and if you are told that is not the normal size, what could you do to accelerate the growth, absolutely nothing, my friend it-s all in nature-s palm. Everyone develops differently, so i don-t think any soul on earth can tell you that is where you should be or not. Wish you quicker development both in body and soul.
    Note: I think you-re developin at a normal rate, it will definitely still grow in size.

  • ur size is gd my friends r 14 and one of them is like 5in and the rest r also 5in, in 6

  • Thats exactly where you should be. Mine is the same size as you, but im a little older. Its really fine.

  • as big as Krazy Kools
    And wow, you actually measured???

  • As big as my german shepherd puppy-s is. :P

    How big should a 14 year old penis be? -