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How can i make my penis longer without pills or any drugs, or without a penis pump? -

How can i make my penis longer without pills or any drugs, or without a penis pump? -

i want to make it longer without any drugs or anything like a penis pump

  • Sleep on the top bunk, attach a cord to your penis with a brick hanging over the side of the bunk not touching the floor, sleep this way for as many nights as needed.

  • The most effective and safest way to get a bigger penis is with penis enlargement exercises. The idea is to gradually increase the capacity of the chambers in the penis to hold blood. The bigger the chambers are, the more blood they hold when you get an erection, and so the bigger your erect penis is.

    Pills don-t work because all they do is increase the blood flow, not the amount the chambers can hold. At best all they-ll do is give you harder erections.

    There-s a good site below with more information about all the different methods - detailed exercises- check it out.

  • You can do exercises like jelqing and the length extender. The exercises will help you make your penis longer and thicker.

    I found a blog that gave other tips on how to increase the size of your penis.

    I-ll leave a link to the blog below.

    hope this helps...

  • I had same problem, even my girl friend used to laugh at me. I searched in google to find out solution to increase my penis, fortunately I found one product which is herbal, no side effects,no doctor-s prescription required and 100% effective. I ordered online and got bigger penis after 2 months. For more information visit

  • You can-t! Those things do not work! Ask any doctor and they will tell you. There is a way to extend it surgically but I do not know how common that would be. Don-t waste your money on that stuff it wont work, go see your doc if you are serious about it.

  • It-s not the size of the dog in the fight.

    It-s the size of the fight in the dog.

  • surgery, but dont worry about it. if you find the right girl she wont care what size it fact its probably only you whos worrying about it. :)

  • You can-t, it-s impossible. Unless you are under 16 or 17, it will never, ever get bigger.

  • My friends theory is that the penis is a muscle, so the more you `use it` the more it gets bigger. :)

  • Get a girl to suck it really hard, then it will get longer because she sucked some out.

  • save up about $5000.00 and get it done surgery other wise you are wasting your time and money on all those gadgets and cream and pills that do nothing for it

  • It is not the size that counts. It is how you use it.

  • Just think long and hard .

  • sorry men u cant u stuck wit waht u got.

  • Insert a black guy-s DNA into your genes

  • try wishful thinking

  • Dude...

  • Stick with what you got. Some girls like small guys

  • ask paris Hilton hoover and stretch it with her mouth, I-msure she-s used too it

  • Stretch it?

    How can i make my penis longer without pills or any drugs, or without a penis pump? -

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