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How big is the average penis and how do i measure myne? -

How big is the average penis and how do i measure myne? -

i have read that the average size is 5 inches. now i dont know where they got that statistic because i have honestly never been with a man belong 7 inches, but i dont know. big ones can be good, but too big...owey!

  • 6-6.5 inches is average length.
    To measure, get an erection,place a tape measure at the base (on top of the penis) of the penis next to your body and measure to te end of the tip of the penis.

    Supposedly, the distance from the tip of your index (pointer) finger to the hand is the same length if you don-t have a tape measure handy but have a ruler or other igid neasuring device.

    To mak sure, get an erection and mak an L shape withyour hand so tumb sticks out - index finger is straight ot and place it against your penis. If your thumb is resting on the tip of your penis and the tip of th index finger is against yur body without pessing in too much, you can measue tat.

  • The average adult male penis is about 5-6 inches in length, though I-m not sure about girth. If you-re a teen, then there really is no average, seeing as teen males of the same age can be in different stages of puberty and vary in size. The most accurate way to measure your penis is to get a firm erection, then use a measuring tool (preferably the measuring tape you use to measure your waist) and put the very beginning at the base of your penis and stretch it the length of it. Whatever number it-s at is the length. The girth, I-d advise you to measure the width at the center or base, not really sure. Hope this helps.

    If you wish to answer my question, please answer. Educated answers only please:;��

  • im 14 and mines 7 inches so i think thats average and basically you get hard then grab a ruler put it next to ur penis and mark off then next year you can do it again and make a growing chart!!... did i go to far?? haha

  • Measuring tape, or a bendable ruler if you want to find your circumfrence. Some ladies like knowing stuff like that, believe me. To just measure it, put a ruler at the base and bend it to the curve, all the way to the tip! Simple.

  • white guys 5 1/2 in-6in, black guys 7in, asian guys 4 1/2in. get a measuring tape or ruler dude!

  • average is 6 inches. and you measure it with a ruler when its hard lol. hope i helped! =D -3

  • Measure from base to tip. And most guys add 2 extra inches to it.

  • 5-6inches and get a ruler out and measure it lazy ***

    How big is the average penis and how do i measure myne? -

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