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Im done with puberty but my penis is still small how do i make it bigger with no surgery or drugs? -

Im done with puberty but my penis is still small how do i make it bigger with no surgery or drugs? -

Use a magnifying glass.

  • Hi guy!!....Hey, answered a 13 year old the other day who said he was in the middle of puberty.......I had to break the news that he was no where near the middle of puberty.

    Since you said you were done with puberty, I need to question, -how do you know??- Wish you had given an age.

    Assuming you are over 20(then you will be over puberty), your penis size is what it will be.

    You need to remember something.....people and their appendages all come in different shapes and sizes. Is that a measure of who they are or how well they perform in anything?

    I hope you see the answer is no. I-ll tell you what, no woman cares how big or small the penis is. It is how well you know how to make love, not screw! Get it? If you don-t know how to make love to a woman, then do all you can to learn how.

    If you plan to just screw her, then you indeed will fall -short-.

    Good luck
    I am an RN

  • Dude, how small is small? You probably have more than you give yourself credit for. And, your partner will be a lot more impressed if you are a good lover (pay attention to what they like, use your hands / mouth, etc) than just beat them with a big stick. Really. I know some -big guys- and their wifes HATE it. Would prefer a smaller guy that doesnt- think that the world should revolve around his dck.


  • so what if your penis is dont walk around with your penis outside your you?

  • Bonnies answer was very good detail - you didn-t say how old u are. Also you didn-t say what size it is. Without these facts no-one can give you any information. As an -oldie- ( a grandfather) with many years life experience I might be ale to help. Email me if you are comfortable with that option.
    . I will help if I can.

  • Learn to use your tongue. It is a good trait to have even if you have a big penis.

  • Tie a brick around it and go for a run

  • Stretch it! That-s right! and one and two and one and two...

  • Dont worry about it so much every1s different! Im not gonna lie some women do judge that way but if they really love you for who you are it wont matter! BE PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE!

  • There-s nothing you can do, so just learn to live with what God gave you.

    Women are far less worried about the size of your penis than you are. Yes it would be nice to unzip your pants and have an anaconda fall out, but there-s nothing that you can do to fight the genetics you-ve been dealt. Most men think their penis is small when in fact they-re average in size and just fine.

    Remember that women are concerned far less about your penis size, and the ones that are concerned with it are sluts so you don-t need to mess with them anyway.

    Im done with puberty but my penis is still small how do i make it bigger with no surgery or drugs? -

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