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How old are you when you get the checkup on your penis? -

How old are you when you get the checkup on your penis? -

i have a checkup to marrow and im 13 how old are you when the doctors check your penis for health conditions?

  • You have to be at least 18 before they should be poking around down there....... Unless you-ve made an appointment to have specific points checked out?

  • Uh--- like when you think there is something wrong ask them to check it. Otherwise, not an item normally checked by a doctor, even as an adult unless you are getting a prostate check-- then the urologist may feel the gonads.

  • I was 13 the first time I got a hernia check. That-s where he holds each ball and tells you to cough. I never had the doctor touch my penis.

  • I was 8 years old when i first remember my checkup on my penis with the doctors. But i probably had more before that.

  • Tomorrow.

  • 25

  • ur old enough now

    How old are you when you get the checkup on your penis? -

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