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How long does it take for a penis to look like an adult penis after circumcision ? -

How long does it take for a penis to look like an adult penis after circumcision ? -

I was circumcised when i was 9 and now im 13 almost 14 and there is still a skin flap and dots where the stitches used to be. is this normal? How long does it usually take for it to look -normal-?

  • Your penis is not normal, part of it has been removed, so it can never look normal.
    On a world wide scale, some 85% of men do not get circumcised, you are in a small minority.
    You will just have to live with it, I-m afraid.
    Hope this helps

  • a circumcised penis ISNT normal. nature put the foreskin there for a reason... you-ll have a stump for the rest of your life i-m afraid... not only does circumcision numb the pleasure for you, but it can be painful for the woman.
    edit: it-s me... it-s not bs. it-s history. the christians started circumcising their male babies in order to prevent them from masturbating when they reached adolescence. why? because it numbs the feeling of pleasure, they thought of masturbation of impure and morally wrong. i think it-s kinda torture, as religion seems to have it in for the genitalia, first they cut off your foreskin, then they cut off your balls!

  • Circumcision is not normal nor is it natural, and the penis will not look normal if it is circumcised.

    The normal and natural state of a penis is with a foreskin.

    And circumcision doesn-t make a penis look -adult,- by any means.

    Circumcision is the worst hoax ever perpetrated on the male sex.

    A foreskin is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.


  • I am sorry to hear about your loss; I hope you grow accustomed to the new look. I am afraid that I agree with altair and ew. In the normal and natural state adult or not the penis has foreskin. The dots where the stitches were should have faded by now they may never. The extra flap of skin means that you were cut loose instead of tight. The little flap is all you have left of your foreskin; you could go back to the doctor and have him redo the procedure, or just live with it. I can not imagine why anyone would want to do this.

  • Wow, all the haters out there for guys of circumcised penises. This guy was circumcised people and you are telling him how -unnatural- he is? Making him feel bad about his circumcision isn-t going to magically regrow his foreskin. I don-t even know why people are so against it. It is a cultural and religious practice, not some torture devise or Saw movie moment.

    As for this question, I do not know how long the healing process should take, but at your current age, it seems your penis should have healed by now. You should consult your doctor about it.

    BTW, I was circumcised at birth for anyone that is interested. I do not miss my foreskin because I never had it, and any negative feelings I ever did have in the past about not having it is because of you people saying how terrible it is and making me feel like some monster. I am happy with who I am! I am normal!

  • An -adult penis- is only different in size and there is pubic hair there.
    That-s the only difference. Circumcision has NOTHING to do with becoming an adult or a man. Nothing.

    And -normal- is with a foreskin. By definition.
    You will always have a noticable scar. Unless you get scar cream from your doctor.

    Your penis is normal. It might never look the way you want it but we all deal with that issue.


  • all penis look different from each other so there is no -normal- look for them

    as for the -dots- they will fade

    as for ew and altair they are talking BS

  • If by -normal- you mean surgically altered, then you look normal already. Considering that most men in the world are not circumcised, foreskin is normal as well as natural.

  • yo don-t lesion to this anti circumcision natzis, they don-t know wtf there talking about. your thing is perfectly fine, chill out bro.

  • It should look normal right after it heals. You didn-t do it yourself did you?

  • this es permenant

  • well someone f******ed up cause it should only take a few days

    How long does it take for a penis to look like an adult penis after circumcision ? -

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