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How big should my Penis be? -

How big should my Penis be? -

How big should it be. Im almost 14 and I have a penis that is about 1 1/2 inches long. (when I dont have an erection, then it gets about 3-4 inches long.) is this normal to have a small penis at my age. my firned is about a year and a half younger than me and he already has hair on his armpits. is puberty never gonna happen to me?

  • Your penis should be as big as it is. There is no right or wrong size, it-s simply the hand that genetics dealt you.
    As for the armpit hair, why would you WANT to grow stinky bushes?
    Puberty is going to happen when it happens, everyone develops at a different rate, you just have to be patient.

  • Your penis should be the size it is -- that-s your genetics. Puberty varies from about 10 to over 16 -- again, due to genetics. NO ONE ON EARTH cares what size any penis is limp. You say when you are erect its 3 to 4 inches. That-s average for your age. 90% of all adult males have between 4.5 and 7 inches. Your penis is not small, it is absolutely average for 13, almost 14 -- you are absolutely fine. The only thing that might make it a bit bigger (as is inferred from a recent study) MIGHT be (it is not proven) masturbating regularly -- but if you are like all the healthy bois I-ve ever known, you-ve got that covered, so stop worrying.

    Kind thoughts,


  • Everybody is different. You will get your puberty pretty soon, when you least expect. It is probably happening already and you are not aware. Anyway,even though you may hear otherwise, penis size isn-t all that matters the most in a guy. A big penis can hurt women. Most important is that you learn to be sensitive, respectful and caring for girls. First try to worry about making friends (male and female) without thinking of sex (that should come last/later on when you are older). This way you can enjoy friends without worrying if they like you for your penis size.

  • Actually, what you have is quite normal.

    There really is not a correct size for the penis solely based on your age. As you have noted, some of the boys in your class are very far along in their development. This does not necessarily mean that there is something wrong with you. Boys can begin their pubertal changes as young as 9, but some boys don-t start until 14, and all of that is considered normal.

  • Everyone will hit puberty at a different time, and guys tend to be a bit later on average. It won-t be an overnight thing, but more of a gradual process.

    Don-t worry about penis size. At only 14 years old, you-re going to keep growing.

    In the meantime, do some reading on-line. The more informed you are, the more comfortable you-ll be.

    Try this site:��

    It-s a bit young looking, but the info is good.

  • Puberty, especially the department you-re interested in, can go on til 16, but 3-4 inches is still large enough to -do it-s job-.

    Don-t worry though. No one-s actually as hung up over that kind of thing as you think.

  • As like other parts of the body,your penis is also going to grow,it is not how big you are going to have, how long it is going to last is very important.

  • Very normal, you still have a lot of time to grow more. You-re a decent size for your age, so just give this a little more time.

  • sorry hun some times things take time to grow. It will happen, God made you out of his image so things will sort themselves out. Hair comes and go-s no frett it will happen in due time soon most likely.

  • NEEDLEDICK LOL, but seriously, you should worry, 1.5 inches is pretty weak stuff

  • Boys can go through puberty from 9 all the way to 21.

    You have a lot of time to grow and develop more, no worries.

  • My first BF was even smaller. Don-t worry, it will grow. Average length even for adults is only about 5 and 1/4 inches.

  • Your fine. Puberty for boys starts at about 13.5 years of age. Your just a little late.

  • some ppl grow different... like some of my friends have more hair on their legs than i do... your -member- is probably normal

  • your penis should be as long as it is now. puberty is not a race. there are no prizes for who gets there first.


  • Just wait.
    People get puberty at all different times. Some not until they are even 18!
    Be patient..

  • it will, just calm yourself... youre a late bloomer.

  • an entire inch and a half? ROFLMFAO. Um yeah...keep posting that information online for all to see and laugh at.

    How big should my Penis be? -

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