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Why is my penis so small and thin and how can i make it biger and thicker? -

Why is my penis so small and thin and how can i make it biger and thicker? -

my age 21 years

  • SOWWY fires...ur got what u got. No pills or enhancement thiggies r gonna help. U didn-t say exactly how big/small u r but if ur between 5.1-5.9-, ur n the national avg range. And as long as ur hand fits around it, ur

  • Sadly, according to Dr. Sue Johanson (Canadian sex-talk expert) there is no way to make your penis bigger, all the pills and creams are a myth. There is a surgery in which they go in and cut a tendon which will make your penis bigger when it gets hard but there is no easy way.

    Check out if you have questions on -why- it-s so small, but just remember it-s not your fault, genetics goes into it and there is a condition called Small Penis Syndrome (or something similar to that). However, I do know if someone is obese that the penis becomes smaller (I don-t know why, just know it-s true) and read that for every 35 lbs a man lost his penis would get bigger about 1 inch.

    This is just an ego booster: There are more ways to pleasuring a girl (or guy, I don-t judge) than your penis so don-t take harsh criticism too seriously.

  • DEFINITELY DONT do surgery.. there have been times when docters have messed up on that surgury.... AND people have lost feeling down there, and not been able to get it hard, not to mention surgery is EXTREMELY expensive, also theres something underneath the shaft that they can cut to make you longer naturally, but you still lose all control when you do that.... my suggestions (from personal experience and ALOT of reading about this stuff when I was younger) look up the word JELQ . its a natural exercise you can do in the shower or after using a warm towel/rag for 5 minutes or so (and then using the warm rag or whatever again for 5 minutes when you are done) to increase it just by stretching it.. penises are muscles, you can make your arm muscle bigger by exercising it.. you can make THAT muscle bigger/stronger/ more healthy by doing Jelqs and keegals and stuff like that. also if you have some money I suggest one of the stretching contraptions.. i have a Magnum enlarger seems to work. but both of these take some time. atleast a month of doing them correctly before you see any significant results, though you should see some each time you do both... also I recommend either enzyte or extenz if you want an extra dosage of the stuff thats good for growth... also look up the word L-Argenine. that is a chemical that will be in Any and ALL pills that have the potential to make you healthier down there, not necessarily longer/wider, but will help you along the way (wikipedia mentions -Arginine,[4] taken in combination with proanthocyanidins[5] or yohimbine[6], has also been used as a treatment for erectile dysfunction-)... hope ive been of some help... -

    I have had actual results from both jelqing and my stretcher.. don-t listen to these people who say no, and doctors who say no are just trying to sell you something else... trust me, I know a doctor that backs one of the stretchers.. look up penis enlargement on wikipidia. they even say it is a prooven fact (mentioned in some popular journal) that the longer you use a stretcher for; the longer you can become.

  • Depends on what you consider small. Some docs will tell yaa that 4- is consider normal - average. However it is not really how much you have but what you can do with it

  • you can try VIMAX pills , last year my penis was only 6.3inchs long after i finished with VIMAX it was 8.1inch im happy so if my gf... its not huge but comfortable. so you should give it a try

  • genetics determines all that there is NOTHING short of penis augmentation surgery that will make it larger, and for christ sakes do NOT buy any of those stupid products on tv.

  • Have you tried touching it? That often makes a penis temporarily larger.

  • penis enlargement surgery

  • Surgery.

  • You can-t. Just live with it.

  • you should work that it will become big and strong.

  • There is nothing out there that will help you

  • U can do surgery,but care about ur self u leave ur penis how it is NOW!

    Why is my penis so small and thin and how can i make it biger and thicker? -

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