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How do i get my penis to go down? -

How do i get my penis to go down? -

plezz help ive had a mega huge ***** for the past 48 hours ive tryd beatin my meat 24 times and now my skin is raw what the hell should i do ? im not kidding plezz help me!?

  • ask dr phil

  • if what you are saying is true it is a medical emergency,the blood that gushes into the penis during erection has got trapped due to certain causes .i donot want to scare you but it could even lead to impotence or even penile amputation if not treated urgently,dont waste time thinking how authentic my answer is,just rush to the nearest decent health of luck.

  • Personally i-d abuse the situation to make my Pheonc�� happy

    but you should really see a doctor about this

  • George i gave ya a thumbs up for the word -Pheonc��-. First time i-ve seen the word, and it-s quite awesome.

  • Think of your grandma furiously masturbating.

  • You have to pass your nits with your gf. It will solve the matter

  • Try to cool it down with cold water or ice!

  • Go to the effin doctor, jeez!

  • ild quit taking the pills my friends gave me and go see a doctor

    How do i get my penis to go down? -

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