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How far on up on th3e penis shaft should your scrotum be attached? -

How far on up on th3e penis shaft should your scrotum be attached? -

It shouldn-t be up the penis shaft at all, it should only go up as far as the base (very bottom) of the shaft where the shaft -connects- to your body. If a guy-s circumcised very tightly (no skin movement in the penis) then sometimes the scrotum skin will be pulled onto the shaft so an erection is more comfortable.

  • It varies from person to person, but it is normal for it to be attached.

  • Trebla is right. It shouldn-t be at all and if it is it-s caused by the circ being too -tight- (too much skin was removed). Yet another reason to not circ your sons, you have no control over the results. : (

    AmericanPatriot, are you just messing with this guy, or do you really believe that-s how it-s supposed to be? Yeesh.

  • It should be at least as far up as 1/2- below the crown. If yours isn-t, you better see a urologist.

    How far on up on th3e penis shaft should your scrotum be attached? -

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