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How can i measure my penis? -

How can i measure my penis? -


  • for you...use a micrometer. hehe, you got a babydick.

  • Tape measure.

  • When you-re fully erect, use a measuring tape. Measure from the base to the tip of the head.

    By the way, when it comes to measuring girth, measure across...sorry but no man has a penis that-s 6 inches wide.

    Here-s a clue...draw a circle on a piece of paper. Measure the circle from one side to the other...NOT all the way around. Apply this same technique to measuring your penis. That is how -wide- you are.

  • It has to be fully erect and then take a measuring tape and measure from the base of the shaft to the tip of the penis, that-s your length.

    To find your gerth, measure from the very center all the way around.

    I-m sure you weren-t serious but that-s a serious answer.

  • U can use a ruler. But I think a masuring tape works best because it-s flexible and that way u can measure ur circumference. GOOD LUCK!!

  • get some measuring tape or a ruler make sure it-s erect and measure from the base to the top of the head.

  • when your penis is fully erect hold your penis perpendicular to your body then get a ruler and place it side by side with your penis and observe the length

    to measure the grith get a measuring tape like the one tailors use and place on end of the tape on top of your penis and take one complete circle of your penis with the remaining tape and the measurement where the end overlaps the tape is your grith.

    Hope this helps you

  • get a micrometer because your probably really small if you asked this question

  • welllllll you can watch some -movies-, get an erection, then whip out your handy ruler, hold it at the base, then look at how many inches it is to the tip.

  • take it out of your boyfriends mouth and measure it

  • with a ruler!

  • Get a Ruler!

  • once that it is ha.rd just use a ruler and measure from the base of the pe.nis to the end of the!!

  • when it is fully erect get a ruler or tape measure it from base to tip.

  • tie a small string around the tip, and tie the other have to a tape measure, and a razor blade on the tip were ur peder is, let the tape measure wind back so the razor cuts ur tip off. It proven, to shave ur pubes and measure ur penis. have fun. and btw ull get some more inches

  • Better if a girl measures it for you. She can lie about it so good that you can really believe that you are -a real stud- and you can��t even notice if she��s fooling you. But who matters feel good!!!

  • Watch Porky-s. Pee-Wee will show you how to measure your penis.

  • scared it-s not big enough?

  • consider a ruler

  • carefully

  • buy and use a measuring tape of tailors..but why do you need to..can you please tell me..

  • With a dressmaker-s tape. It-s flexible, so just hold one end ot the base (close to your body) and measure to the tip. Then you wrap it around and measure the girth.

    How can i measure my penis? -

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