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How old should i be when i start cleaning my penis? -

How old should i be when i start cleaning my penis? -

as soon as you are old enough to take a shower by yourself

  • any age..

  • Please go take a bath now an wash it

  • There is no time like the present.

  • Birth

  • Get in the routine of cleaning it now. Like your arm pits there is hair (or soon to be hair) and are prone to get sweatier than other places, so you are more likely to get rashes or other skin problems in that area. Get in the habit of cleaning that area a little better than others (like your arm).

  • my advice is you should call some cleaning company, to get better cleanliness and help.

  • As soon as possible. I-m assuming that your uncircumcised and if so most guys should be able to retract their forskin before puberty. Unless they have what it called phimosis.

  • you should clean it everytime you bathe.

  • You wash it when you wash any other part of yourself. No minimum age.

  • 5or 6, when u start bathing by yourself

  • are you serious?

    you are obviously at-least 5 or 6 years old, to have the ability to type this question... you should have started attempting to wash it 3 to 4 years ago, when you parents first gave you the wash clothe to wash your face....

    who has been washing it for you? wow, must be dirty

  • does it mean you havent been cleaning your penis for years? gross

  • There is no age limit to being clean. If you clean your penis regularly, you are only guiding against penile diseases an infections. Take very good care of your penis. After all you have only one.

    How old should i be when i start cleaning my penis? -

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