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Boy Only: How do you pee in the morning with an erect penis? -

Boy Only: How do you pee in the morning with an erect penis? -

Every morning, i always have problems on peeing the basin, because my penis is erecting upwards, so its really hard to stretch it downwards..

its just so hard especially in the morning when you really wanted to pee!

howd you guys do it??

  • Do a hand stand.

    Problem solved.

  • Whenever I have to do this (practically daily) I just stand really far back from the bog like up against the wall opposite it and hope for the best! Works most of the time and is a lot less painful than pushing down!

  • When it happens to me, I push it down with one hand and hold it with the other and aim for the middle of the water.

  • i-m female, but i do know that most men have the same problem, perhaps a way round it is to go before you-re desperate

  • Wait until it goes down, or clean up the floor yourself.

    There is a lot to be said for urinals, but baths and showers can substitute.

  • You can��t pee with an erection you will have to wait for it to go down; or give it a hand

  • When i was younger this happened to me every morning. Id simply sit down on the toilet, push down as far as i could and pee

  • you can-t pee with an erection. not possible

  • Think of something hideous.

  • Take a shower first thing in the morning and just let it flow.

  • Push one hand down on my penis and attempt to pee. It still goes everywhere so clean up afterwards ;D

  • push it down and pee fast

  • Push it down

  • sit on the toilet ain your penis low and wizz away

  • why not get your self one of them hospital wee bottles

  • jerk off first

  • honestly when i wake up with an erection i just jack it its the best way to start your day

    Boy Only: How do you pee in the morning with an erect penis? -

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