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How can i get moles off my penis without hurtting myself? -

How can i get moles off my penis without hurtting myself? -

girls dont like them...

  • Girls will never see them...

  • dont remove or change something just because another person dislikes it. its who u are that matters. dont think too much about what others like or dislike about u.

    if u really wanna remove it then go to the doctors coz its more safer even though its not that big of a problem

  • You can-t dude, and don-t go cutting on yourself. If these moles don-t stick up, can-t see what is the problem-- other than you must have some pretty shallow and stuck up girls looking at your penis. Get other girls to look at it and see if they mind.
    If you have some that stick up, then you need to go see a dermatologist to see about getting them looked at and removed. The penis skin is really really thin and any tear or cut will scar up if not done properly- plus you will bleed like a stuck pig.

  • Try putting some cheese down by your feet maybe they will crawl off to eat it.

  • Hey Dude, if the mole is only a brown spot, it-s not problem to worry about and it doesn-t hurt anything. You can even have some fun with it as an ice breaker. Just call it your beauty spot.

    as in ..- want to see my beauty spot-? Ha ha!

    Girls do that all the time no matter where the brown spot is on them! Ha ha!

    Have fun Dude

    Me! :- )

  • maybe a doctor.... haha

    you have moles on your penis?!?! HAHAHAHA!!!

  • Go to a doctor, or hospital, have surgery to remove them.

    How can i get moles off my penis without hurtting myself? -

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