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I have a tiny penis. How do i enlarge it? -

I have a tiny penis. How do i enlarge it? -

It-s not the size it is how ya use it..if you have problems with it getting a little friend said he uses jelquing...check it out. Not sure how old ya are (18 here)...enjoy what ya got...I sure do...hope I was helpful. Good question...laterz dude!

  • - hey tultul !

    - I-m sorry 2 have 2 tell U this, but there is NOTHING on today-s market that will work 2 enlarge it.
    - it all comes down 2 -genetics- dude.
    - U-re penis is design 2 be proportion with the rest of U.
    - it-s how it works.
    - so no matter what U read on here about -do this or doing that- it-s all lies.
    - I hope U get it - not go do something foolish little dude.
    - I-m afraid U-ll just gonna have 2 learn 2 live with what GOD gave U.
    - just keep in mind that it will grow as U do.
    - chow.

  • You cannot enlarge your penis.
    Don-t worry, no one will care about your penis size, and it isn-t a really big deal.

  • it is not tiny, it-s just fine. Don-t worry about it.

  • This doesnt answer your questions, but dont worry about size!

  • if u want information

    I have a tiny penis. How do i enlarge it? -

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