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How much more will my penis grow? -

How much more will my penis grow? -

Mine is 6 1/2 inches long and I am 17. I am not done going through puberty yet....

  • The penis does not grow any more after your 17th year. Average size for 17 year olds and older is 6 1/4 inch.

  • If you-re asking this question, there-s probably about a 98% chance that your penis is normal. Perfectly good penises come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and teenagers- penises grow at very different rates. They are often curved somewhat, and the skin often has bumps and various colorations (which have nothing to do with STDs). Try not to obsess so much about your penis, and stop looking for things that might be wrong. It-s there to create pleasure, not trouble and worry.

  • I remember when i was 17, I was average-ish, and hoping I would grow a bit more. Then I turned 21, and more than doubled in size. I-m 23 now, and still growing. be careful what you wish for. I-m actually beginning to outgrow use of all the XL condoms.

  • yes, it will. you-ll get another testerone boost around 18 or 19 increasing the size of your penis.

  • I am 15 and 7-- but my dad and older brother are both 9in. so I will grow more?

    How big is your Dad and/or OLDER brothers?

  • Mine is 5 1/2 inches and i am 16

  • It just might get there, give it time. You still have a few more years of growth.

  • omg thats big enough so don-t worry

    How much more will my penis grow? -

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