How do i know if my penis is healthy? -
i have to get a physical for highschool i really dont want one because i think there might be something wrong. i don-t know what a 100% healthy penis looks like because that would be weird. i think i MIGHT have kidney stones, one i was asking what are the symptoms. and two do they check your balls for problems. if so, how do they know if something is wrong, what are they supposed to feel.?
As long as your penis doesn-t hurt, fell itchy, smell really bad, and isn-t swollen then you are 100% healthy. As long as it-s just a penis withnothing on it it-s healthy. I can garenty you don-t have kidney stones and they have to do a special test, You would be in so much pain if you had them. They just feel around your testicles to see if you have any lumps in them. Cause lumps can mean cancer. But don-t worry. You need to go to the doctor tho. Every boy should have a pysical once a year.
-ConnorThere would be obvious problems that you notice if your penis isn-t healthy such as pain in it, wierd abrasions or bruises. I-m not too sure about kidney stone symptoms, but if you google it, you-ll get plenty of information. The doctors do check your testicles for abnormalities or hernias. They usually feel the actual teste and the scrotal sac for any bumps, bruises, etc. If there is something wrong, they-d feel a large mass, or notice serious swelling. Hope this helps.If you don-t have anything really odd going on with your penis, then it-s healthy. Kidney stones have nothing to do with your penis health - unless they-re large and you have to pass them. He-ll cup your testicles to feel if there are any bulges in the that area to see if you have a hernia. It-s unlikely that he-ll actually check your testicles, but if he does, he-ll be looking for abnormal masses or lumps.IF YOU GET ERECTIONS THEN YOUR PENIS IS HEALTHY.
KIDNEY STONES HURT SO BAD YOU HAVE TO GO TO THE DOCTORS FOR PAIN PILLS, THERE IS NO WAY TO SURVIVE THEN WITH OUT THE PILLS, SO YOU WOULD KNOW IF YOU HAVE THEM, THEY DO CHECK YOUR BALLS TOO SEE IF THEY HAVE A HERNIA IN THEMIf you have kidney stones they are in your kidneys not in your penis and yes the doctor will check your balls and check to see if you have a hernia.
How do i know if my penis is healthy? -
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