How big should my penis be at 15 years old please help...? -
My penis is almost 7 inches and 2 centimeters i don-t want to take a shower in gym class because im afraid that the other boys will make fun of me i need to know if that is small iv never seen another mans penis. im about 5 foot 11 inches and 160 pounds i don-t know if you need that info.
They shouldn-t react at all in the showers-- you shouldn-t have an erection so your flaccid penis should look just like everyone else-s. Though if you do for some reason get hard, you might get applause since you are well above average adult size, which is 5.4 to 6.2 inches. Only 12% of all guys are over 6.2 inches. Though 90% claim to be.
So be proud to show it, if it you do pop a woody. Certainly nothing to be ashamed of!dont worry abt diz..!! if u want to incress ur penis size or incress ur sex power than Natural Gain plus is a natural herbal solution that makes your penis enlarge with out any side effects in just 4 weeks upto 3-4 inch with money back guaranteed even i used that pills and thats really works in 1and a half month to enlarge ma penis 7 inch from 4 inch.....!!! but if u r looking for some guides, videos, methods, techniques and much moredude ur where the same size as me when ivwas 15 people didn-t believe my size when I told them but I proved them wrong when I posted tons of mine on myspace that shut them up just becuz I was 15 and had that size dosent mean im lieing when people say ur small there just jealousy bcuz there not as big REMEmber THERE WILL ALWAys BE SOMEONE BIGGER AND SMALLER THEN Uyou have nothin to worry about, john. for 15, thats above average, and u probably have a little more growin left in ya. Don-t sweat it dude, ur fine.If its that big you definitely don-t have anything to worry about. I-ve read that the average american male is about 6 inches.Uh don-t be who cares about size, and anyways thats almost 2 inchs bigger then average. Most guys are 5--6-.YOU are small. Tell your mom about this because she needs to take you to the doctor asap!Umm your def above average and you shouldn-t worry about it.lolz actually the average is 5.1-5.9 xDYou-re good, bro. Relax.hard to believe a 15 year old is over 7 inches hard.
THAT-S HUGE!holy jeez, yeah you-re adult size is 6 inch your okay mate
How big should my penis be at 15 years old please help...? -
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