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How do i overcome the fear of wut she will think about the size of my penis? -

How do i overcome the fear of wut she will think about the size of my penis? -

how can i overcome the fear of wut she will think about my penis size? i am between 5.6 and 6 inches in length. she says she wants to do stuff but im afraid of wut she will think... ne suggestions????? plz

  • By thinking what you will do with her before the penis becomes big
    .. . ..
    Fore play baby fore play
    .. .. ..
    This is what makes a good one happen not how big it is
    .. .. ..
    Remember her sensitive part is just inches inside her and on the outside top spot ........... remember
    ... .. . ..

  • You are the same size as almost everyone else. At least the people in real life and not the ones that use an internet ruler. I don-t think she is going to pay attention. Don-t let your nerves ruin the experience. You are perfect sized if you ask me.

  • why are you afraid you are the normal size. you aren-t small... just make sure when she sees it the first time.. its erect.. or else she will think its small..
    plus girls dont really care.. its all about your hands and mouth.. as long as you have those 2 you can please a girl :)

  • Dude this chick is going out for you as you not because of your unit. if that is the case she is to shallow to see you your personallity your niceness you. I would dump a chick just becauseshe couldnt deal with my junk


  • If she honestly loves you for you, it won-t matter how big you are. Just tell yourself this and think of all your good qualities and this should calm your nerves. Hope this helps.

  • well if she wants to do stuff she doesnt care about the size...dont be fag, leave your vagina at home and get out there....

  • dude if she wants ur penis shes not gonna turn it down as soon as you whip it out...

  • remember its not the size of the ship, its the motion of the ocean, p.s. clitteras!!!!

  • ok, if she wants to do you then she wont care. ive headrs from all my friends that are girls that size DOESN-T matter. It-s how ya use it that counts ;]

  • wow u have a nice size penis so take it slowly and enjoy the benefits


  • Is she fearful that she won-t see the small thing?

    How do i overcome the fear of wut she will think about the size of my penis? -

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