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How do I can get my penis fatter? -

How do I can get my penis fatter? -

Well, some people try pumping and clamping, but I don-t think those things work. You might want to learn more on pen!s exercises. Click on these non-commercial sites.��

  • Having a thicker penis my provide your partner with more satisfaction but there is no reasonable medical way to do that but there are other approaches. Take a condom and add a small amount of water so the condom is thicker around the shaft of your penis - Now here is the tricky part - Tie off the condom at the base of the shaft of the penis and volia - you now have a fatter penis.

    I have no idea what this will do for you other than give you more work to do but your partner may be happy with it.

    Just a little creativity can add fat anywhere

  • take a photo of it, go to the nearest studio and get it enlarged.


  • No. No pill or potion can enlarge your sex organ, so don-t waste your money. However, you can do a lot to make more of what you-ve got!! Read the article on the link below, and enjoy your time on Earth!!

  • Fatter? Are you asking how to increase its circumference? If so, the size of your penis is genetic -- be happy with what you have since there is no changing it!

  • unfortunately, you can-t, no matter what gadget or pill you use.

  • pills and exercises don-t work. you can get an expensive surgery and add circumference.

  • Stop dreaming. be happy with whatever you have.

  • smack it with a hammer

  • You can-t, live with it!

  • You can actually get penile implants that increase the girth of the penis.

    You can also do something that involves detatching the ligaments that hold the penis -in- the pubic area, causing it to come out and look longer.

    Speak to a urologist if you-re truly serious about it.


  • Wrap it in bacon.

  • Have a girl give you oral sex

    How do I can get my penis fatter? -

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