How big should my penis be? -
well, i just turned 12 august 27th and my penis is only about half an inch when it-s soft and 2 inches when erect. i dont think i-ve hit puberty cuz i hav no armpit hair or pubes yet. but i was also wondering if this is considered small? ... and i-m also about 15-20 pounds over weight so is it possible some fat could cover part of it?
I doubt its that small you must have incorrectly measured it because 1/2 inch is 1.27 centimeters and 2 inches is 5.08 centimeters this cannot be possible for your age that-s the average for a newborn well flaccid at least i wouldn-t think anyone would know a newborns erection size :/ that would be disgusting anyway try measuring again
Good luck hope it all works out for youIt-s possible that your overweight is due to a poor diet (generally in the U.S. too much saturated fat, sodium, and animal protein and not enough high-fiber, slow carbohydrates and good oils like olive oil). Your weight might hinder your development. Also, I-m not hearing anything about regular exercises. Instead, you-re stressing out over whether you-re hung enough before you even hit puberty! With all due respect, you need to reorder your priorities.
Talk to a doctor or a coach about better nutrition and the possibility of regular aerobic exercise. I-ve put a link to a chart at the bottom of this page. But generally it-s assumed that boys who need statistical averages (just for reassurance anyway almost all the time) have already entered puberty.
Your penis will grow when it will grow. But you have to enter puberty first, usually, but not always, by sprouting some hair in your armpits or Down There.
I hope this is of help too:��
I also recommend you beg, borrow or steal (or buy!) THE GUY BOOK: AN OWNER-S MANUAL by Mavis Jukes. This book will answer a lot of embarrassing questions between your age now and senior high school. It costs US$12.95 at retail, usually less online.Hello man, I am 15 and I have 7 inches length and 6.5 inches girth (circumference). You don-t want to be big, trust me. I hurt my girlfriend all the time and now we cannot have sex anymore. 2 inches is very small indeed, but it shall grow way more in puberty. Do not worry. I wish you the best of luck with your penis, my friend. Ciaoas big as it should be now for your age and when you start puberty you will see a big diffident in a few months so don-t worry about it no being over weight has nothing to do with it and we hope you start a diet with your moms permission and loose the little extra you have.dude..the italian stallion guy has a ****** chode! haha...and i know it-s wrong to say this but WHAT?! half an inch? hahaha wow well yah hopefully once you hit puberty it-ll grow......ALOT. Wish you luck...oh and lose weight:] fat and a small penis? not workin. hahaseriously just pull on it. not hard just enough to stretch it out and cause tension. hold it stretched out for about a minute then rest for a little. do this like 5 times a session a couple times a week and you-ll be good. YOU SHOULD REALLY WAIT A FEW YEARS THOUGH UNTIL YOU-RE GOING THROUGH PUBERTY.its really small but dont worry at your age there is no -average- it will grow in the next few years just dont worry about it yetI-m 31 and I only have 2 inches length, but it-s round as a beer can.A real man has a 8 inch just haven-t hit the main course of pubertyNo way it could only be half an inch when soft. Thats the size of my thumb nail.Don-t worry about stuff you have no cotrol over. You-re too young.DUDE IM 13 AND I GOT A 6.5!
How big should my penis be? -
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