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How Do I Clean My Penis Propley After Masterbating ? -

How Do I Clean My Penis Propley After Masterbating ? -

How Can I Clean It Out Propley ??

  • Umm, basically, just wipe up all the semen with tissue or a cloth or something. If you use lube, wipe up as much of that as well. If you don-t use lube, you can easily get by with just cleaning up the semen with a tissue or cloth. But sometimes it-s best to just wash the penis with water and maybe a little soap to rinse away the lube, as some are greasy and can get a little nasty later.

  • by just getting a soapy towel ans wipe your peinis down and make sure you clean the semen hole because you can get a infection

  • take some tissue and wipe off all the sperm from every where

  • stick it in a sink full of water and splash it all over your body!

  • After mastrubating go for a shower and pull back the foreskin and clean it with a cloth or something.

  • Take shower or have your partner clean you off!

  • Wipe it with a soapy towel.

    How Do I Clean My Penis Propley After Masterbating ? -

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