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How can i inlarge my peniss size? -

How can i inlarge my peniss size? -

Theres no real way of enlarging your size, if you get the pump, you will eventually cause erectile dysfunction, or worse, get one of your balls sucked up accidentally in the tube. Which Im sure really hurts a lot. If you try the jelquing exercises, you will eventually build up scar tissue, which will make it so that you cant feel anything anyways, also when doing an exercise program you are supposed to stop masturbating or having sex. The pills are a rip off, but are made to go with the exercise program, and you already know what that will do to you. And even still the pills really dont work.

The topical creams are the same way, if you want to know what they will do to you, get some minty mouthwash and rub in on your little buddy, that is all topical cream is really. It makes a sensation happen on your skin that forces blood to the area applied so that you can relieve muscle pains, etc. Basically its a soft core version of icy hot, and dont put icy hot on it either, this hurts a lot. Well actually it feels pretty good at first, but once the burning kicks in, you will be crying and trying to wash it off, which only makes it worse. I was bored one day and curious.

The devices that are supposed to stretch it out for long periods of time, really dont work for enlarging, they do for fixing curves of the penis, and many said when it straightened out their penis they noticed it was bigger as well. Well if you take your finger and bend it slightly, it looks like it decreases in size, then straighten it out and wow it grew. Wonder why they didnt catch on to this.

Dont play with test boosters either, you will develop man boobs and will again mess up your hormones and develop erectile dysfunction. Sorry to be the one to tell the truth about all the gimiks out there, but they all suck.

The only thing that has worked for me is tribulus terrestris, its a natural test booster, it doesnt mess with your hormones in any way, but dont expect significant gains or anything.

  • lots and lots of excercise,and refrain from sex arabs play with them selves to the point of cumming and stop,several times a day, not cumming except fo about once a week,apparently some of them are hung like a missouri mule

  • You can-t the same stupid question has been answered 5 times with the last 8 hours 501

  • Here is what you gotta do. When you are ready for bed each night, get down on your knees at the side of the bed. Bow your head, put your hands together in front of you, look up to the Lord and pray that your penis will get bigger. There are no pills, no creams, no tools or toys that will do a better job than prayer.

  • by gettting..lots - lots - lots of bee-s to sting it.

  • Because bees was already used, I-m going to go with jellyfish stings, many jellyfish right on the knob, lol. Its pre-determined genetically, you can-t change it short of surgery.

  • masturbate regularly to tone up penile muscles.


  • Unless it is exceptionally small., don-t worry about it. Those things you read about or see on TV do not work. You might want to masturbate more frequently as it may increase the girth

  • Easy,get a hard on.

  • you can-t, its just the way you-re built. its like asking -how can I make my arm longer- if its that bad, you can have surgery.

    How can i inlarge my peniss size? -

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